Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Last Word To America

The Back Story to 9-11 before 9-11 #MyLife

The Merging Story 

Ron & Nancy 
Our City
a Ugandan Prophet 
a Vision 
and the shocking devastation of America’s foundations as we knew it...

9 /11

This Story begins 
1999, Ron and I, as the Appalachian servant leaders for a national ministry, Mission America … we were part of a large nationwide City Reaching Conference with leaders from across the US. At this conference we were invited to a screening introducing for the first time, George Otis Jr, Sentinel Group’s Transformations Video’s, documenting the incredible activity of God, on three continents like none had seen before. (youtube Transformations Video’s 1 & 2) Awesome, Crazy Stuff.

Imagine a community where 92 percent of the population is born-again, where city jails have been closed for lack of crime, where agricultural productivity has reached biblical proportions. Imagine a city where 60,000 Christians jam the municipal soccer stadium for all-night prayer vigils every 90 days, where a multi-billion dollar drug cartel has been brought to its knees. Imagine a town where local bars have been transformed into churches, where ancestral shrines have been destroyed, where entire family clans have come to faith in Christ- Don’t imagine… Believe!

Sentinel Group announced they were ready to premier the Transformations Documentary in 10 major cities across the nation. As great as this was Ron and I knew our city did not qualify as a premiere city.

2001, Fast forward to a year later, we received an unexpected email from the office of Sentinel Group and George Otis Jr. The email was an invitation to us, our city, our state, to Premier this powerful Documentary of Revival in the World. Ron emailed back and asked this question…. “Why?” “Why Charleston WV” (knowing we did not qualify as one of the 10 major cities) The answer returned with a profound declaration from George Otis Jr. …. 

“Because God wants to stir the flame of Revival in West Virginia” 

It took us a minute to comprehend what God was saying to us. Then we responded “Yes”

It was a huge task we were undertaking, so as part of the prepping, and to get an idea of expectations for the Transformation Video in our city I decided to fly to Orlando, Florida with our daughter, Charessa. Orlando was one of the major cities selected to hold a Transformations Premier Event.

I heard God say, Charleston, WV an “Apostolic City”

There was much preparation required which brought together believers throughout the state to "lay at the feet of our City" their gifts, talent, creativity and resources… Watching this historic event come together that included 1000’s of people made an Impact on the City. 

Back Story > My Story

Years before, there was an Ugandan Apostle John Mulinde that came to the US 

During John Mulinde’s first visit to America from his homeland of Uganda, John found himself unable to break into the presence of God in prayer. When he eventually broke through to God, he was very surprised that, despite all the ministries and intercessors in America, the Lord told him “There are layers and layers of darkness covering this land like a veil separating My people from My presence and hindering their prayers, quenching the spirit of prayer, quenching faith in My people and zeal – putting them as low as it can push them.” John was very surprised to find that the American church was operating within a suffocating environment! John’s fellowship with the American pastors was affected, and he couldn’t eat for many days.

2001The Prophetic Vision of what was to come…9-11 "The Last Word to America"

Fast Forward again to 2001, John, returned to the US, to share his story of revival in Uganda at the Transformation Conference in Orlando, but the story was interrupted.... and a reverent hush fell on the gathering that day as John began speaking of the prophetic vision he saw of America. ...A Warning...

2001, Charessa and I were in this solemn gathering in Orlando. As the Transformations Premier Video concluded. I was both inspired and in awe seeing the effects of revival in the nations… then John Mulinde stood up to speak. He began as I remember announced in all humility that God gives him "Words to Nations". 

Then he soberly began to give what now is coined “The Last Word to America”

I knew, somehow, this was something I need to pay attention to and record. As John began to share, I took out a small notebook and drew pages of pictures of what he was saying. – no notes- just a drawing, sketching it out as fast as I could.

The Vision  (the italic comments are mine as I interrupted the vision) 

The vision was of a white clay pillar about one meter high with blue flowers molded into its base, having a beautiful round white cake, beautifully decorated, on a brown plate upon the pillar.

This all started moving away from him, and the further it moved, the larger it all became. The pillar grew into a huge hill and the cake grew into a beautiful giant city upon that hill. Out of the city came light, causing the sky to glow. He heard the Lord say, 

“That is the destiny of this land: to be a city set on a hill, a lamp in the darkness, and a messenger of My word.”

I was sketching this picture he was painting with his words...

Then the vision returned forward and reduced in size, becoming again the pillar and the plate and the cake. The pillar cracked (the towers) and panic gripped him. He cried out, “It’s going to break!” A voice behind him said, “I am looking for a man who will stand before Me on behalf of this land, but I found none.” The cracks became big, and he saw blackness inside the pillar. (the impact of the planes cause large holes) As he screamed, “It’s going to break!” the pillar broke, and the plate broke in two and the cake fell and broke into many pieces. The light stayed in the air for a minute as a big glow, (hot steel burning_ and then it gradually died. And there was darkness. (smoke filled the air with such denseness it caused darkness to overtake the city)

(In my little notebook I continued sketching the event as being told not realizing I would see these pictures as an actual event within months) 

John Mulinde's response to the vision when he first received it...

Following the vision, John shook, wept and prayed as to what the vision meant. The Spirit of the Lord told him, “The foundations of this nation [America] have been broken: one after another, every foundation has been broken. I am looking for a man who will stand before Me on behalf of this land that I may not destroy it; that I may not give back to it as it has walked before Me.”

He prayed, “But Lord, America is filled with many big ministries of people reaching out to the rest of the world cultivating prayer and bringing the nations in coordination; how can You say there is no prayer, not enough prayer here?”

The Lord said to him, 
“The cry of sin in the land is louder than the cry of prayer.”

John was sickened and continued to pray for days. He cried, “Lord, this is not the last word You have for America! I want to hear Your heart for America!”

Then the Lord spoke to him: “The cloud of judgment is hanging over this land. 

God showed him three waves of devastation that was coming. – Selfish Standards/Government, Strength /Military Financial/Wall Street - 3 Waves/4 Planes 

“One will be the demarcation against the spirit of mammon because My people have made money a god in My place and have turned everything to rotate around money. Their financial foundations, and everything will come tumbling down. It will not only hit America: it will pull down the economies of many, many other countries, they will come tumbling. When you speak, speak out to My people, not only here, but everywhere you go: ‘Turn your eyes away from the perishables and fix them on that which is everlasting.’ Tell My people to fix their faith in Me, then when things fall apart, they will still be standing. Wall Street/2 Towers

“A second wave that will hit this land: it will be the demarcation against human pride in human achievements, what man has built, done, and been able to put together. Because of that, he thinks he can be God and he thinks that he can replace God in his lifestyle, he thinks he can set his own standards. The judgment that is going to come upon that is by natural calamities; the time will come when it gets so intense that whole cities will be razed to the ground in a matter of days. Pentagon/Military

“The third wave is the demarcation of liberties that overthrow My statutes and standards. In the name of rights and freedoms, My people have rejected My standards, and I have chosen to institute their own standards for themselves. Government/Capital

“At this moment, My hand is holding back the consequences of their choices, but the day is coming when I will lift My hand and allow the flood of the consequences of the choices they have made to come flooding over the land; at that time there will be a cry for help, and help will not be near.”
John cried, “Is that your heart for America? I know You have something redemptive for this land!”

A long time passed before the Lord spoke to him: “Pray that the remnant will be big and strong; that they will not fear to stand, and that they will have the faith to claim this nation back. My purposes for this nation are yet unfulfilled; I am not through with the land, but I want people who will stand before Me on behalf of this land.”

My Story

September 11 2001, I was getting ready to join the pastors in the City, Charleston WV, for prayer as we did weekly. The TV was on and I saw a plane flying into the 1st World Trade Tower in New York City. In the shock, many were thinking it was an accident with a small plane but soon the whole of the tragedy would unfold. The 2nd Tower was hit by a 2nd plane…. a 3rd plane into the Pentagon and then a forth plane Flight 93 was not responding to the tower’s desperate call only to realize it too had crashed as passengers determined it would not make it’s destination (many think) the Capital of the United States, with the brave souls shouting the now famous words of determination…. “Let’s roll”

As the vision foretold - The towers were on fire with gaping holes. Soon the 1st tower broke and crumbled down and a few minutes later so did the 2nd tower. Dust and black smoke filled the air on this once sunny day. Deep darkness filled this Powerful City… the envy of the world.

As I watched with the world the Spirit of God said, “Go get your Notebook and look at what you have drawn” To my shock, my crude sketching was now the scene I was watching on TV that...

Fateful day -9-11.

Note: the italic comments are mine as I interrupted the vision – Nancy Thaxton
Transcribe excerpts from this key video on YouTube entitled “John Mulinde: God’s Last Word for America.” (If you have an hour, I encourage you view it on You Tube by clicking this link.)

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The 8 Prayer Watches

THE 8 PRAYER WATCHES-by Sounds In The Earth, Sounds In The Earth Prophetic Intercessors
In James 5:16 (NIV), we are told that the “prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
As we pray, we stand watch over our families, cities, and nations. Just as men stood on city walls
in the Bible to watch for approaching danger, God calls us to be modern-day watchmen and warn
those who are in danger (2 Kings 9:17-18).
We are to watch not only for the enemy’s activity but also for the manifestation of God’s plans.
If we watch for the enemy and announce his activity, we can avert the devil’s plans to steal, kill
and destroy what God has for us. Jesus said in Matthew 24:43, “But know this, if the good man of
the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched and would not
have suffered his house to be broken up.”
Today more than ever, it is important that we pray and seek the mind of the Lord: “Thy Kingdom
come.Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Major decisions we are
confronted with require us to know God’s individual will for our lives.
With the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can discover God’s will and expose the plans of the enemy
through strategic prayer.
The Bible speaks of “watches,” which are specific times of the day or night. There are basically eight
watches covering 24 hours. This is because everyone has a prayer watch, even though they may not
know it. This is why you may find yourself repeatedly praying at specific times of the day or evening.
If you have ever been awakened during the night or are wondering why you are being led to pray
specific times, it is probably because God wants you to pray or intercede for someone. Every
prayer watch has a purpose.
First Watch (The Evening Watch from 6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.)
A Time of Quiet Reflection
Jesus used the Evening Watch to go aside and pray (Matthew 14:15-23).
After the business of the 
day is a time to release anxieties to the Lord before going to sleep.
This is a time to meditate on God’s Word. Meditation quiets our emotions, realigns our mind,
and frees our will to do the will of God. What we could not hear clearly earlier in the day, we
begin to hear during this time. During this watch, ask God to give you clear directions for the
next day and about His call on your life.
Jesus also healed many sick people during this time (Mark 1:32; Luke 4:40). This watch is usually
for those who have a strong apostolic calling and anointing to break strongholds and walls. This
watch is for seasoned Christians who are determined to do mighty things with boldness in the Lord.
Period for covenant renewal with God
Through Jesus Christ, we have a Covenant with God. In this watch,
we can ask God to manifest the blessings of His Covenant into our lives.
This is also a time to release judgment on the wicked and decree into the new day God’s blessings
upon our life, family, church, city and nation
Whatever happens during the day is determined to a large extent by what is done during the night.
The evening is the “foundation” of night and the beginning of the watches. People involved in the
occult say that they begin their active witchcraft at midnight. If we begin to pray strategically during
this watch with the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can prevent the kingdom of darkness from releasing
curses on the new day.
Second Watch (from 9:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M.)

During this watch, intercessors are able to impact the spiritual realm before the enemy gets ready to
wreck havoc. Psalm 119:62 says, “At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You because of Your
righteous judgments.” It was at the midnight hour that God struck down the first-born of Egypt,
which resulted in His people being released from captivity and set free to worship Him.  This watch
is a time when God deals with the enemies that are trying to keep us from entering into His perfect
plan for our lives.
In the natural, this time is characterized by deep darkness. In the spiritual realm, the Second Watch
is when diabolical assignments and sabotage from the enemy are set in motion. This is why it is
important for intercessors at this watch to pray for God’s protection over their families, cities, and
nations:  Let God arise and His enemies be scattered” (Psalm 68:1).
This is also the time for divine judgments, deliverance, prayer for the economy, tearing down walls
of darkness and all the wicked structures from our economic, educational, religious, and political
Pray aloud Psalm 59 and Psalm 68:1-4. Pray that God will arise and scatter His enemies. Have a
session of praise and worship exalting God and commanding all creation to praise Him. Read aloud
Psalm 148.
Third Watch (The Breaking of Day Watch from 12:00 A.M. to 3:00 A.M.)
This is a period of much spiritual activity. This watch hour will strengthen your faith. It is the same
time that Peter denied Christ three times. (Matthew 26: 34, 74; Mark 144:30; Luke 22:34; John 13:38).
The Witching Hour
This watch is the darkest and most demonic part of the night, especially at midnight. Witches,
warlocks, and satanists have fun and start their incantations during this part of the night. The devil
operates at this time because this is the time that men are in a deep sleep and there are not as many
people praying to oppose him (1 Kings 3:20). This watch calls for seasoned intercessors.
You must not be afraid of witchcraft during this watch. The Lord has given us dominion and authority
over all things. This watch is geared for those who already know how to use their spiritual armor and
war against the enemy. This is the time to pray against satanic attacks on your life, family members,
marriages, churches and communities. We are most vulnerable to the devil’s attacks because at this
time we are asleep.Declare Psalm 91:5-6 for Divine protection for yourself, family, church, city and
Time to set your day before it begins
This is a powerful watch to be on when commanding the morning and setting things in place before
thedevil and his demons have a chance to ruin it. Plane crashes, car crashes, deaths, job loss, and many
other acts of the devil can be stopped during this watch when intercessors obey the voice of the Lord and
saturate this time with powerful, Spirit-led prayers.
Time for spiritual warfare
This is the time to awake out of sleep and confront every storm of destruction and distraction that is
robbing you of God’s blessings and provisions on your life. Also, it is the time to speak peace and calm
into every situation of turbulence and confusion.
Time to strengthen yourself spiritually and seek direction
Be vigilant during this time and watch for God’s revelation for breakthrough and for His plans
purposes for your life and territory.
Time to pray for release from every prison
The Apostle Paul and Silas were released from prison during this time (Acts 16:25). In addition, God
released the people of Israel from Egypt at this time (Exodus 12:310). According to Judges 16:3-4,
Samson escaped from Gaza at midnight by pulling up the gates of the city and carrying them out
with him.
Time to make your case in prayer
This is the period to pray for God’s provision to be released (Luke 11:5-13; Acts 16:3). It is also
time for miracles and for applying the Blood of Jesus.
Dreams flow during this hour
Often, we are awakened during this time with dreams God has given to us. God uses dreams and
visions to bring instruction and counsel to us as we sleep. He also reveals areas where we need to
concentrate our prayers and intercession. “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls
upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their
instructions.” (Job 33:15).
The devil can also attack you in dreams (nightmares), so always pray before you go to sleep and
ask God 
to keep you from the enemy’s devices.
Fourth Watch  (The Morning Watch from 3:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M.)
This fourth watch is always important because this is the last watch of the night. This watch is
that satanic agents who went out to perform their activities are returning to their bases. This is
the time of the morning when the Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12 and 14).
This is also the time Jesus walked on the water to help the disciples who were caught in the storm
(Matthew 14:25-33). This is the time to establish the course of your day by speaking God’s Word and breaking everything that would attempt to hinder His will for your life to manifest on third day.
(Psalm 19:2).
Command your morning
Matthew 24:43 says: “But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the
thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.”
This is a disciplined prayer watch for those who have the power and training to wake up early in the
morning and set the atmosphere. This is the time for all of the enemy’s plans and strategies to fail. This
watch is for gaining territory, establishing the spirit of prosperity and stopping the devil from hijacking blessings and favor. This prayer watch sets  our day before it begins. This is an opportunity to set things
in place before the devil and his demons have a chance to ruin it. Accidents, deaths, thefts, job loss, and
any other acts of the devil can be stopped during this watch when intercessors obey the voice of the
Lord and fill the morning with powerful prayers.
Time for Declaring God’s Word
This is a time for angelic activity or intervention and a time for blessings from heaven. When we pray,
the Lord hears our prayers and sends His angels to work on our behalf. Consecrate all the work for the
day and pray for protection for God’s people throughout the day. “You will make your prayer to Him,
He will hear you, and you will pay your vows. You will also declare a thing and it will be established
for you; so light will shine on your ways” (Job 22:27-28).
Fifth Watch (The Early Morning Watch from 6:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.)
Time that God strengthens Christians (Acts 2:15; Psalm 2:7-9)
The spiritual significant of sunrise is having Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, rise
over us (Malachi 4:2). During this watch, pray for such issues as healing in your body, relationships,
family, government, and the economy.
Time for the Holy Spirit to prepare us for service (2 Corinthians 9:30; Ephesians 4:12)
Acts 2:15 says it was the “third hour of the day” (or 9:00 A.M.) when the Holy Spirit descended in the
Upper Room on the day of Pentecost to equip the 120 disciples for service. Regular work schedules
usually begin between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. As you step out, ask the Holy Spirit to
equip you for the day.
Sixth Watch (9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.)
Time to see God’s promises fulfilled
This is a time to watch for the Word of the Lord to be fulfilled in your life. This is also the time to
receive the supply of all resources needed for every project God has assigned you to fulfill
(Exodus 12:35-36). This was the time that the Israelites got everything that they had to use to build the Tabernacle in the wilderness. Pray for the provision to accomplish whatever God wants you to do.
TIme to reflect on the power of the Cross (healing, prosperity, forgiveness, strength)
During  this time, Christ was sentenced and crucified at the third hour, or 9:00 A.M. (Mark 15:25,
Matthew 27:45). After having been on the Cross for three hours, darkness came upon the face of the
earth at 12:00 P.M. and continued until 3:00 P.M., when the period of darkness ended.  Because of
Christ’s crucifixion, we must crucify the deeds of our flesh according to Romans 8:12-15.
We must 
take up our cross and commit ourselves to Jesus Christ.
The Seventh Watch (12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.)
Midday is an hour of rest and a time to seek the Lord. During this watch, Christ was on the Cross
atoning for the sins of the world and restoration man’s relationship with God.  Additionally, Peter had a vision of the clean and the unclean animals which God used to let Peter know that God was including
the Gentiles in His redemptive plan.  Also, it was during this watch that Daniel always went home to
Unfortunately, this is also the time for destruction to run rampant in our nation.
Time of the Secret Place of the Most High (Psalm 91:1)
It is very important to pray in line with Acts 10:9 and Psalm 91:5,6, 14. This is the time to pray to
“dwell in the secret place of the Most High, abiding under the shadow of the Almighty,” and making
the Most High your habitation. Pray and cut off all satanic arrows that are released at this time so that
they will not get you or your family.
Time of letting your light shine brighter (Provers 4:18)
The midday is the beginning of the sixth hour (12:00 P.M.) This is the time when the sun is at its
fullest and brightest. Pray that your life would be bright. This is also the time to pray to not be led into
any temptation, trap or snare of the enemy.
Eighth Watch (3:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.)
The Hour of Dying To Self and Rejoicing in the Power of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ died on the cross during this watch. (3:00 P.M.) He took on the sins of man so that we can
be reconciled to God through the His Blood. Those who accept Jesus’ sacrifice can now live a
triumphantlife through Him and are allowed to come boldly before the throne of God the Father.
As Jesus diedand was resurrected, so the Bible calls us to die to self and live for Christ. The Apostle
Paul said in Galatians 2:20 (NIV), “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ
lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave
himself for me.”  After His resurrection, Jesus Christ gave us power to live a life of victory and the
authority to accomplish God’s will here on earth: “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven andon earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”
(Matthew 28:18-20, NIV).

The Watch of the Lord, or watching in prayer, is very important to the plans and order of God. Jesus
commanded us to “watch” with Him in several gospel accounts, particularly in the time called “the last days.
” He described how we should respond when we see earthquakes, famines, wars and rumors of wars, and so on.

Jesus gave us the keys of the kingdom, and the keys include prayer:
"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for
them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am
in their midst" (Matthew 18:19-20).
Jesus wants groups of two or three people to gather in His name and ask in symphony or harmony. (The
Greek word translated “agree” is sumphoneo, or “harmonious.”) This is the heart of the “watch of the Lord.”
Studying God’s word reveals a model for prayer that is divided into eight watches covering 24 hours.
Based on God’s creation, the days and the morning were the first day.” (Gen. 1:5)
The First (Evening) Watch is from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.  The Israelites ordered their prayer times
accordingly, beginning with 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. which is a time of quiet reflection.  Jesus used the evening
watch to go and pray. (Matt. 14:15-23) In the early church, this watch at sundown was a time of corporate
prayer (Vespers) where candleswere lit, Psalms sung, thanksgiving offered, prayers said and blessings invoked.
After the business of the day, it is a time to release anxieties to the Lord before sleep.  During this watch, ask
God to give you clear directions for the day ahead and about His call on your life.

The Second Watch is from 9:00 p.m. to midnight.  Ps. 119:62 says, “At midnight I will rise to give thanks to
You because of Your righteous judgments.” It was at the midnight hour that God struck down the first-born of
Egypt, and, consequently, His people were released from captivity and set free to worship Him. This watch
is a time when God deals with the enemies that are trying to keep us from entering into His perfect plan for
our lives.  In the natural, this time is characterized by deep darkness.  In the spiritual realm, the Second Watch
is when diabolical assignments and sabotage are set in motion as supernatural creatures, including witches
and demons and practices like black magic, collaborate to effect change and transformation for the evil one.
It is important for intercessors at this watch to give thanks for the protection of the shadow of God’s wing and
pray for a visitation from the Lord.  “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.”

The Third Watch from midnight to 3:00 a.m. is a period of much spiritual activity.  It was the hour that caught
Peter denying his Lord.  Often we are awakened during this time with dreams God has given to us.  God uses
dreams and visions to bring instruction and counsel to us as we sleep and reveals areas where we need to
concentrate our prayers and intercession.  “In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men,
while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instructions.” (Job 33:15)
It is a time to pray to fortify yourself against doubt and unbelief and even the direction of your path. Be vigilant
during this time and watch for God’s revelation for breakthrough for His plans and purposes for your life and

The Fourth Watch is the morning watch from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. The spirit realm takes every word uttered
from man as a command and mandate.  Command your morning! Consecrate all the work for the day and pray
for protection for God’s people throughout the day.  “You will make your prayer to Him, He will hear you, and you
will pay your vows.  You will also declare a thing and it will be established for you: so light will shine on
your ways.” (Job 22:27-28)

The Fifth Watch is from 6am – 9am in the early morning.  To watch is to set yourself to see what God will
say to you. (Hab. 2:1) Practicing hearing the voice of God is essential to all the watches. One intercessor
shared this insight, “I find the main focus of a watch is found this way: the Word and an event in time intersect.
That’s it! That is the target. It is like the scope on a gun. The point of the vertical Word and the horizontal
time intersect (whether it is a sound, an event, a song). That point is the starting point of the watch.”

The Sixth Watch from 9:00 a.m. to noon.  It is generally accepted that this time period marked both
Christ’s sentencing by Pilate and crucifixion, and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Israelites
also observed this period as a time for corporate prayer. It was at this daily time of prayer and instruction at
the temple that Peter and John were attending when they healed the lame man at the Gate Beautiful.
(Acts 2: 1-8)  The watchman guards and watches for the word of the Lord to be fulfilled. Pray for God’s
redemptive purposes in your life and region and watch how He answers your prayer during this time.

The Seventh Watch from noon to 3:00 p.m. at mid-day gives an hour of rest and a time to seek the Lord.
Historically, we find Christ on the cross atoning for our sins.  Redemption and restoration for mankind
manifests through God’s Son. Peter received the vision of the clean and unclean animals which heralded
the inclusion of the Gentiles in God’s redemptive plan.  It was during this watch that Daniel always went
home to pray and consequently was thrown into a den of lions.  Daniel was delivered from the lions’ den,
and Daniel’s accusers became the lions’ dinner instead.

The Eighth Watch of the day from 3:00-6:00 p.m. sees the close of the business day. It gives an
opportunity for prayer. The Lord tells us to pray without ceasing.  The Bible records a pattern and plan for
daily prayer that marshals his army’s forces.  Beloved, it’s time to watch and pray.
Prayer moves the hands
of God.  Even as He spoke the universe into creation, God created us in His image.
Our spoken words and prayers carry the power of creation within them.  As intercessors and God’s watchmen
on the walls of our families, cities and nations, we are called to watch over our assignments to see approaching
danger and warn those endangered.   (2Kings 9:17,18)
We are to watch for the good things and good messengers God sends to His people. We are to watch for the
gifted ones and the coming of the Lord’s Presence. We are to alert the people to roll out the welcome mat, saying,
“Come, come, come, come! Angels of healing, you are welcome here. Spirit of the Lord, You are welcome
here. Gifts of the Spirit, you are welcome here. Spirit of conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment come;
you are welcome here. Come, come, come, come!” We are to roll out the red carpet to the name and the
blood of Jesus, and say, “Come!”
We are to watch not only for the enemy’s activity but also for the Lord’s plans.  If we watch for the enemy
and announce his activity, we can avert the thief’s plans to steal, kill and destroy.  As Jesus states in
Matt. 24:43, 
“But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come,
he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.”
 Today, more than ever,
it is imperative that intercessors watch and pray, seek the Lord’s direction, and pray, “His will be done in the
earth as it is in heaven.”
In Matthew 24 :Watch out that no one deceives you” (verse 4); “See to it that you are not alarmed” (verse 6); “Stand firm to the end” (verse 13); Keep watch” (verse 42).  In  Mark 13: Watch out that no one
deceives you”
 (verse 5);  “Do not be alarmed” (verse 7); “Be on your guard” (verse 9); “Do not worry” (verse 11); “Stand firm” (verse 13); “Be on your guard”(verse 23); “Be on your guard. Be alert” (verse 33);
Keep watch” 
(verse 35); Watch out” (verse 37).  
And in Luke 21:Watch out that you are not deceived” (verse 8); “Do not be frightened” (verse 9); “Stand firm” (verse 19); “Stand up and lift up your heads” (verse 28); “Be careful” (verse 34).; “Be always on the watch and pray” (verse 36)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Prophetic Words "The Breakthrough State"

50 State Tour West Virginia Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce

I will put my spirit with in you! -Chuck Pierce Seek out the deep wells of the past. We must connect synergistically with the covenantal strength of our forefathers. -Dutch Sheets Prophesy to the bones! The sound comes forth of a new order. -Chuck Prophesy again! We must persevere with revelation, for hope deferred makes the heart sick. -Chuck Prophesy again! Spirits of death that have infiltrated life cycles must be addressed. Things that have never been opened must be opened! This is where we are as a state. -Chuck West Virginia, you are poised for a breakthrough but you must push! You are very close to some wonderful things. -Dutch WORD OVER WEST VIRGINIA ON 9-13-08 West Virginia, the breaker anointing is pounding, pounding, pounding like many waters for breakthrough in this state. You are in the birthing position. And when the delivery comes there will be NO doubt about the Father’s DNA. It will be obvious who the Father is. We speak to three generations – grandfathers, fathers and sons. Those who have scattered will be gathered. The poverty is being broken over the state. Things in government that are corrupt will be exposed. West Virginia, you have been robbed and things have been taken from you. That will stop! What happens in West Virginia will affect the nation!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Prophetic Words For West Virginia

President of the Aglow
Northern Virginia Area Board
WV Women’s Aglow Retreat
August 1996

... so Shall I Adorn You with My Glory

“You may have heard it said, ‘Can anything good come out of WV?’ You have been at the bottom of the list in poverty, unemployment, lack of education, and many other things.  BUT I say to you the world shall know, I shall begin to unveil and reveal what I have prepared in you and in this state.  You shall be the head and not the tail.  Many have come into these mountains to enjoy the gifts of natural beauty I have bestowed on this state.  People come for rest and refreshing to these mountains.  They shall begin to come for spiritual rest and refreshment as they hear of the work I have done in and through my women.

“As the mountains are round about Jerusalem so are My mountains round about you.  The hills are alive with the sound of praise.  The trees are clapping my praises.  Even the angels who are camping round about you are praising My name.

“I have called you forth from the hills, the valleys, the farms, the coalfields, the ‘hollers’ to heal you, to lift off your shame, to bear your reproach.  You must go back to these same places, to the women living in despair and hopelessness.
“Out of your adversity has come a strength; you have learned endurance, faithfulness, courage, and a simplicity of faith. My character has been reproduced in you.  You have been an object of scorn and ridicule.  You have sent your sons and husbands forth to battle for this nation.  You have learned relinquishment and sacrifice.

“You have learned to be abased ---- You will come to know what it is to abound!

“Even as I have bathed your summits in glory like  Prince Immanuel’s land, these very summits that shout forth my praise as they are robed in the blooming garb of spring, they cause you to delight in Me as I display the flaming, fiery colors of fall.  So shall I adorn you with my glory!

For your sake I will not keep quiet,
till your righteousness shines out like the dawn, your salvation like a blazing torch.  The nations will see your righteousness and all kings your glory; you will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow.  You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.  No longer will they call you “Forsaken,” nor to your land will it any longer be said,  “Desolate”;  But you will be called, “My Delight is in her,”and your land “Married”; for the Lord will take delight in you (Is 62) and your land will be bestow upon you a crown of beauty instead of ashes.  I alone am your glory and the lifter up of your heads. Think of these things 

“Lift up your heads West Virginians.  There is a sound coming from the mountains. It shall be heard clearer each day.  It says the way is prepared”.

  “Instead of your shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs.”  (Is 61:7)  

Daughter of WV
February 18, 1997

... and the God that Answered by Fire

While praying for the city-wide renewal meeting with Bill Mares that began last night in Charleston, I began with prayer specifically for the four sponsoring churches.  I prayed that they would begin to experience within their midst, the renewal of God’s Spirit. I prayed also that the city of Charleston would know this same “renewal,” so that believers throughout the city would also be refreshed and renewed. At this point it seemed as if the Spirit Himself began to pray, even as the Word promises that He will intercede for us when we don’t know how to pray (Rom. 8: 26,27). I began to call out the names of city after city in the outlaying areas of Charleston. Then the names of cities and communities that came to my mind throughout all of West Virginia. When that list of names had been completely exhausted, I then began to call out to the Lord names of bordering cities in the states that surround us.  All these names were just flowing out of my mouth. There was no struggle to recall or to plan the strategy.  But by the Spirit, the prayer was encompassing the entire state of West Virginia, beginning with Charleston, and our bordering states. At this point I saw in my mind’s eye what looked like an antique map. It appeared to be on a heavy parchment type of paper and its color had yellowed. My focus was on West Virginia, when suddenly from the underneath side of the map, it began to smoke. The smoke was not all over the map, but instead it was confined to the city of Charleston. Then what had begun as only smoke burst into flames which quickly consumed the city of Charleston. But it did not stop there! The fire that had began continued to burn. After having burned Charleston within moments it had spread through not only the surrounding communities but throughout the entire state. And even as a natural fire when not contained will spread, I watched as this ‘thing’ that had begun only as a ‘glow' or a ‘smoldering ember’ in Charleston, had burned its way across the entirety of the U.S.

I then felt impressed to retrieve an old Bible which I had not used in years. When I did I found that there were two bookmarks left in it. I opened to one of the markers. The scripture I had underlined there years before was:

EZ. 12: 27 & 28

“Son of Man, behold, The house of Israel is saying, The vision that he sees is for many days to come, and prophesieth of the times that are far off. Therefore, say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God, None of my words be delayed any longer, but the word which I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord God”.

I then turned to the second of the markers. Here I also found a portion of scripture which had been underlined many years before:

I KINGS 18:24

“....and the God that answered by fire, let him be God....”

I believe that God then began to give me understanding as to why He would choose to come in “fire”. –The ‘fire of God’ is the ‘power’ of God.-- I continued to read...

I Kings 18:37-39

“Here me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.
Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and wood and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was on the trench.

And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, ‘The Lord, He is the God; the Lord,  He is the God.’”

WHY? Why would God deem it necessary to come with a demonstration of His power?

1. That the people may know He is God.
2. That their hearts may be turned back to Him.

HOW? How does this happen?

The ‘fire’ falls and consumes:

1. What we have freely offered the Lord, as represented by the burnt sacrifice.
2. Our idols, represented by the wood since most idols were carved from wood.
3. The hard or resistant places in us as seen in the stones.
4. Our weaknesses, we were formed from the dust.
5. And past works or experiences, or even yesterday’s manna that we are trying to live off of as depicted by the water remaining in the trenches.

The abundance of Rain

RESULT?      When people see it (EXPERIENCE IT) they will fall on their faces and confess Him as God!  It will produce “worship” of the one true God in their lives! (Verse 39)

God continued to speak to my heart.....

Verse 41, And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.

Just like a forest fire burns out the old, it also causes an accelerated re-generation of the ‘new’ by causing seeds to explode open and thereby ready to receive the rain that they may quickly germinate, take root, and bear fruit.

God will send His abundance of rain... The former and the latter rains to bring about increased fruitfulness in us and to all who have been prepared by the ‘fire.’ Also, in a fire there are always new areas of growth because the seeds are sent far and wide during the fire. Therefore the increased fruitfulness that will come will not only be in us but also in new souls won for the Kingdom of God.

Ray Hughes
Prophesy to West Virginia
 by Ray Hughes
of Morning Star Ministries
words given at Kings River Worship Center,
St Albans
July 18, 1999:

... The Kiss of His Presence

Ray Hughes prophesied several things for this area for which we need to pray to gain an understanding:

“Powerful suddenlies are coming to this part of the nation.  This season is going to bring a lot of signs and wonders.  Signs and wonders are going to be poured out all over this place this weekend. “Pray until we hear the abundance of rain.” (Immediately as Ray came to the gathering, it began to rain, very surprising since we were months into a drought.  It continued to rain for the rest of the weekend.  A small tornado inexplicably touched down in St. Albans where we were meeting.  No rain was forecast, as even being possible, and weather forecasters had no explanation for the tornado.  From that date until now, the drought has been broken, and we have had an abundance of rain and pleasant weather. For the past eighteen months, every major storm bringing bad weather has split at the WV border going north and south of this area. This has truly been a breakthrough.)

Angelic Visitations

“There will be angelic visitations on a corporate level.  Signs and wonders are coming in such reality we won’t be able to contain it.”

“What about God raising up a bunch of folks that don’t have a snowball’s chance of being anything in life, and all of a sudden He puts the KISS OF HIS PRESENCE on their lives They will be a voice that He will hear, but they will also be heard in the nation.  They will be conduits of His glory, displays of His wonders.  The beauty of the presence of the Lord is a real thing He wants to unveil and release to those who come into agreement with what He wants to do.  We are to have  one big stamp that says Jesus on our foreheads and He’s gonna put His glory on it.”

“God wants to change the mind set of this city  -  this area of the nation.  He invites us to come to the place of third heaven revelation, to become a part of his voice.  We must come into agreement with Him.  It’s time for a revelation revolution – to become history makers.  He’s looking for a “So be it”, an “Amen”, an agreement with Him from plain old folks to walk in a new level of revelation, a new level of authority, a new level of glory, a new level of signs and wonders.  God desires to reign in WV.  God’s about to really show His glory to this city.  God is not going to let us continue to confine Him to the littleness of our “traditions.”

Thunder in the Mountains

“There is a sound coming out of heaven.  It’s going to thunder into this state.  It may look like disaster.  It may look like floods.  It may look like tragedy.  It may look like earthquakes.  You’re going to have tremors in places you’ve not had tremors. You’re about to have some upheaval – go into seasons of war, seasons of aggressions of the enemy.  There’s gonna be mighty thunderings, trembles, and  catastrophe.  In the middle of everything that’s coming, there’s gonna be a people that God’s gonna exalt, stand in the high places, declare the Word of the Lord, take the numbers of the storms, the numbers of the winds and tornados that come.  God will give His people the authority and strategy to boldly declare His Word into every situation,  Humbling ourselves and uniting around the purposes of God.  God’s about to make His voice very clearly heard.  There’s about to be a prophetic voice brought to this state, to this part of the state right here. There will be a clear sound, it’s gonna be heard.  It had better be responded to because the reaction to it will result in an upheaval, both in the spirit and in the natural.  But also you’re about to see phenomenal moving of God in mercy, grace, and healing.”

“Quit trying to live down your reputation!”

“God is giving a window of grace and change and He’s really cleansing an atmosphere here, that prayer, intercession, praise and worship can rise out of here as an incense unto the throne of God joined with fire upon God’s altar and God fires it back down to blow holes in the heavens and open up the powers and principalities and the spiritual wickedness that have dominated this entire region for generations.  He’s going to break depression, break poverty, all things of iniquity that have gripped us – fourth and fifth generational stuff (Rev.8).  God’s giving a window of opportunity right now in this generation - at this time - for a response of His people to bring a real release of His glory.  It got polluted with personal preference – man’s ideology.  The Lord has drawn His sword against the enemy in this area.  Keep on releasing prayer and intercession – praise and worship.  There are levels of praise and intercession coming, that no longer will you be defending yourself, but pulling down strongholds in this area - third heaven revelation, taking an offensive position not a defensive position, getting down on them.  God’s gonna blow both ends out of this traditional stuff around here.  God is about to send a real refreshing of the spirit that’s going to blow us away.  It’s about God being God – not allowing pride .  Our sacred cows and pet pigs are about to be roasted.  Some real smoke a rolling.  I want to be in the smokehouse when that happens.  He requires a major sacrificing of our opinions and preferences.  We must deal with our garbage.  God wants to deal with the spirit of tradition that has been hard to break.  Many people of God in this area are broken and have given up.  He always does His work in people of brokenness and humility before Him, with passion for Him, so His compassion of the gospel can come forth. He wants a sacrifice of praise.  We must press into God with all our hearts, not label others.”   “The next 24 to 36 months are a season of changes and accelerated preparation. This land of WV is extremely important to the purposes of God”.

The Government of the Kingdom

“The elders of this city have an awesome responsibility as to how they respond to the workings and dealings of God to this part of the nation.  That’s one of the reasons God is really turning up the heat to establish His government – to get an apostolic order established in this time.  God wants to bring the five fold ministries into their functioning positions that He might be able to make that fist to do something.  It’s time for the real war to take place and the Lord our God is already bearing His arm and He’s getting ready to release some things against the powers of darkness that have dominated our area of the nation for a long time.  This land you guys live on is extremely important to God and the purposes of God for the future.  That shouldn’t come as a surprise to you.  This land is in the purposes of God, not for the continuation of the enemy bringing chaos, poverty, depression, confusion, and all the things people have suffered under here.  Much of it has to do with the blood that has been spilled without repentance.  When the white men came here, they realized the Indians had something they wanted.  So, they “got” them out of here.  There is a redemptive purpose for the way God created this bouquet of people.  The sounds of Ireland and Scotland cause you, WV, to come alive.  The Red man can see in the spirit, but this vision has been perverted because of sin and violation against them.  We plucked the “seeing eye” of the church and there’s been a war on prophetic theology as being acceptable ever since.” 

“Our corporate purpose: “ To touch the heart of God until his hand is released in this city.”  “Real unity brings real agreement and then we will hear from heaven.”  “Until we get real and get past our own little deal and fall so in love with God that nothing else matters, we’ll not see revival.  Have an encounter with God of the Word!”  “We diminish all possibility of God really using us if we don’t have passion for Him.”

“God’s raising up a bunch of radicals that are ready to release the THUNDER OF HIS PRESENCE in this nation; they’re not too awfully concerned with what it sounds like or looks like.  God is going to show up.  He may use the eloquent or the crude.”

“There’s a really good opportunity that the Lord wants to give to this county, the power to break the demonic spirit of abortion and the Lord’s gonna give you strategies in the corporate setting to stop abortion in this whole state, because you’re close enough to the Capitol to have an impact in the spirit of abortion (2Chr. 20).  The Lord’s going to raise up those prophetic voices to give real God strategy and there’s going to be real dealing with the perversion, incest, pornography, and those things that are causing the next generation to be victimized.  God does not want another victimized generation.  There’s going to be a victorious generation come out of here.  There’s about to be a surprise attack by the Spirit and it’s not going to be a political agenda anymore.  God is about to give His prophets the voice and the strategies, and this time they’re going to be caught off-guard by the authority.  They didn’t expect praise to sew so much confusion in the enemy.  The enemy will devour itself.  It’s coming quickly and suddenly.  A surprise attack of His glory.”

“It’s not about you; it’s about Him.  People need to get healed up of themselves.  Satan uses jealousy, envy, strife, confusion, selfish ambition, ignorance, etc. to keep the nations and peoples of the world in bondage and idolatry.  This keeps God from moving in great power and authority.  Pronounce death to that.  All are guilty”.

God give us grace for a season of dramatic change in the way we live, in the way we think – a great season of the revelation of Your glory in this area.  Give us grace to be willing to pay the price for Your anointing.  Give us grace for willing hearts to submit our lives to You.  Help us to get over our agendas and be Your people.  Mature us!  Do whatever it takes.  Let the fire of Your Glory bring devastation on the enemy, not on the land. Make us conduits of God’s glory”

*We must pray for corporate humility melted together by fire and oil of God’s anointing to bring unity!

*We must pray that God will change us from a mess into a message!
*We must pray that the harvester will     overtake the planter!
*If we’re not willing to risk a riot, we’ll not   get a revival!
Obstacles to God’s Outpouring

Some of Ray’s discernment concerning previous obstacles to God’s outpouring in this area:
·          He has been tarrying for an outpouring of Holy Spirit in this area because the “hounds” are still loose.
They’ve been strolling garbage that stops unity (anything that causes offense: accusation, control, personal agenda, personal gain, i.e.).

·          We have had spiritual “gypsies” for Jesus running from church to church stirring up a mess.  They run when God starts to deal with the issues of their hearts.  This must stop.

·          God is dealing with the spirit of witchcraft and manipulation in the spirit.

·          God has released two previous windows of       opportunity, but His spirit was grieved.  His      outpouring was polluted with personal preference.

·          Intercessors have often been depressed for years, but God’s changing this.  Intercession is rising.

What we have embraced as culture is a let down in defenses for demonic forces to come in and entrench our lives as a people group.  This has come because of:        

·          Wrong responses to sin and violation by  governmental authority.
·          Wrong  responses to sin and violation by ecclesia.

The amplitude (largeness, extent, abundance) of our intercession has to do with our attitude which determines our altitude.

When we have visions or dreams from the third heaven (the heavenly realm), we are to pray offensively.  When we have visions or dreams from the second heaven (the demonic realm), we are to pray defensively.

Diane Fink
Aglow International
Word given over Charleston, West Virginia
during the
Aglow-sponsored City Leaders Luncheon
in conjunction with
the Aglow International Conference
October, 23, 2000

... I Am Building a City

“I have a building project going on in Charleston.  I have laid the foundation and I am building stone upon stone, stone upon stone.  I am building you up into a spiritual house that I will visit with My glory.  The structure I am building is new and fresh-it is not rigid or harsh, but this structure is flexible, that the wind of My Spirit will flow into and out of , flowing this way and that, unhindered by the structure.

“I am building this city to be a city set upon hill, whose light will shine forth not only to this state and the surrounding states, but to the farthest corners of this nation. For it will be My glory which will be sen from this city, even to the nations.

“Therefore, I call you to continue to build, that My Glory may come to this house and this city may be set upon a hill for all to see My light and My Glory.”

I was also impressed about the structure.  I sensed the Lord emphasizing that the structure is new and fresh and flexible, but I heard Him say there would be some aspects that were reminiscent of the old, some parts that were recognizable, but it was in the context of a new structure.

John Dawson
Words and Insights for West Virginia
given to "The Church at Fairmont", WV
September 24, 2000

... The Redemptive Gift of West Virginia

Foundations of West Virginia peoples:

There is a wounded spirit in the culture of this state because of iniquities of the people and wounds of the past.

West Virginia, as an extension of Virginia, has a transfer of European history from Scotland/Ireland and England.

·          The Celtic people were Prophetic Worshiping Warriors who carried a wounded spirit in them. They were obsessed with liberty and idealism. They were the frontier Presbyterian Christians.

·          English pioneers from the James River settlement had an Apostolic Anointing with a gift of government. They were Episcopal Christians.

The redemptive gift of West Virginia:

West Virginia is a place of Tenderness and Kindness. The gift of kindness rises out of the topography of the land which is soft and tender: the mountains and valleys, the water, the climate.

 "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, my inheritance is beautiful to me."

God shapes the personality of the people by the environment they live in. God defines our limitations, our boundaries ‑ to be lines of demarcation from which we form a foundation of peace.

The foundational culture of the indigenous peoples of WV had dignity, sly humor, artistic, quiet reserve, prophetic.

We are to be prophetic trend leaders in war by demonstrating the victory of God.

We are not an arrogant people, but are humble. God sets himself against the proud, but raises up the humble.

Having been carved out of Virginia (the birthplace of America), we are part of the womb of the nation – a gateway filtering the people throughout the nation. 

There’s a spiritual battle to be fought and won in this state for the purposes of the whole nation. In dealing with our iniquitous past, we must:

·          Deal with our mistrust of authority (conflict between management & labor, etc.)

·          Deal with our temptation which causes us to become isolated, withdraw, because we become hopeless when our kindness is violated.

·          Deal with our clannishness which causes us to become mistrustful of "outsiders".

West Virginia is not a rejected state, but the favor of the Lord rests here.

Our assignment:
·          Proclamation of blessing
·          Demonstrate the victory of God
·          Cleanse and heal the foundations
·          Proclamation of authority

The enemy is threatened by the redemptive purposes of this area. However, we will see the birthing of God’s purposes in thankfulness through faithfulness. "So be it."

We pray to the God who breaks through, to break through in your glory!

I don’t believe that it is Your will that any shall perish but that all should come to the knowledge of Jesus.

Brownsville Assembly of God
Pensacola, Florida
words given at King’s River Worship Center
St. Albans, WV
November 19, 2001

... I Will Give the Treasures in the Darkness

While I’ve been talking here its strange - how far into West Virginia am I?  Fifty-five miles from the Kentucky border? Wow!  These ol’’ moun­tains, I believe the glory of the Lord is going to visit this place. I really do.

I’ve got a message, but I just can’t break into this.  I just sense the Spirit of the Lord moving over these mountains and valleys.

I was in the service tonight and I could hear the praying of the saints of God down through the years interceding and I know that God wants to do something very powerful in these mountains and in this area.  I feel it every time I come up here.  I felt it strong. There’s just something up in this area, I feel like the Lord is brooding up here really powerfully.  When the cork comes out it is going to blow friends!  Do you hear what I am saying to you?  He’s gonna blow!!  I can feel that!   

I have been seeing more tears than usual when I tell these stories.  It just seems that God is about to do something very powerful.

We bow before you Jesus!  There’s some power in this place!  Unusual power in this place!  Loose in the Name of the Lord the Spirit of God in this house... ..  Come Lord like a mighty wind in this house!  Power!!!  Power!!! 

Isaiah 45:1-4 - “I will give the treasures of

(The message is on retrieving the blessings that have been stolen by Satan and that have been
hidden, but they still exist.)

I feel like this is a message right now for Virginia and West Virginia, I don’t know why, I just know that the devil has had an iron fist up here for a long time.

Judah which means praise was left desolate.  There was no leadership in the land.  The crops were harvested, but they were then sent to Babylon. The devil moves in the church in much the same way.  He also moves into certain geographic areas in much the same way.

Luke 4:5....”If you do what I tell you to do, I will give it to you.”

The devil has his hand on the spigot.  “I can release to those I want and to those I don’t,  I will shut the spigot off”.  This made me begin to get angry.  Then tonight when I was up here talking to you and telling you stories, I could just literally sense the Spirit of God moving over these mountains, and He wants to do something, but its like the devil has his hand on the spigot up here and he says, “Huh uh!”.  It’s like he’s has his hand on the spigot up here, this part of Virginia and West Virginia and Kentucky...Appalachia, and he says, “I’ve got the spigot shut off up here!”  There are a lot of good people, There are a lot of good hungry people, they are hungry for God, they really want to go after God, but I’ve got my hand on the resources, I’ve shut it off for years and they are not going to get their hand on it.

“I’ve got news for you, devil, you are going to take your hand off it!”

As long as he’s got his hand on the’s like he says, “Now its been delivered unto me, I’m the god of this world and I’ve got my hand on thing­s, and so...up here in Virginia and West Virginia and Kentucky, I’ve had my hand up here for years, other parts of America have prospered, but I’ve always kept things restrained down here!”

You know I believe there is some powerful people in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky.  I believe God’s got some choice servants up here.  And I believe there is a powerful anointing on deposit up here for the last days and I believe God is going to release something up here for the last days.  Believe that!!!

Satan’s fingers are being pried loose even as I speak––over West Virginia and over Virginia and over Ohio and over Kentucky!  His fingers are being pried loose! 

I believe God is about to return some stuff to the church, especially in those areas where they have been deprived of them for centuries!  I sense that the devil, when he looks at West Virginia, and when he looks at Virginia, he sees a caliber of people here, he knows that if you had the resources you could evangelize the world.  Why hasn’t he effected California like he has you?  Why hasn’t he effected Washington?  Or New York?  Or Pennsylvania?  Oklahoma or Texas like he has you?  He has tried to keep you to a minimum.  Let me tell you something I’ve seen. (When the world trade centers were destroyed the world immediately came forth with the resources to meet the need, but that is not so with the church.)  The devil says, “I will shut the spigot off!” And when it comes to the church you know what we do?  We resort to rummage sales, fish fries, chicken suppers––big bucks!  Auctions, flea markets....  

Sixty days after the disaster the American public shells out $38,300,000 for Harry Potter!

Right here in this city in West Virginia, the place where you pastor, is going to be too small real soon.  We need resources to do the work of God!  And the devil says, “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!”

When you begin to converge in on the territory of the devil, its going to be a battle royal!

But, I’’ve got good news for you!  What I feel the Lord speaking to me tonight, to say to this area of West Virginia is this, “Get ready for some suddenlies from the Lord!”  Get ready for God to do a quick work!  And get ready for some wonderful principled people in West Virginia to be turned loose with vision and resources to do in this part of the world what God has been wanting to do for a long time!  I feel like this place is just throbbing, ready to explode with the power and glory of God. 

I tell you where I really believe we are friend, I believe we are in a place where God is about to open up the blessings of the Lord for these last days to get done for God what needs to get done.  I’m telling the devil now, as a matter of fact I feel the anointing, I’m telling the devil right now, “Turn it loose!  And let it go!  I bind you in the name of Jesus you foul spirit, you can’t keep the resources of God’s people in West Virginia any longer!  I bind you in the Name of Jesus!”


“Jesus, begin to bless West Virginia, Father, begin to bless Virginia and Kentucky and Ohio!  Lord, begin a powerful work up in this part of the world that we haven’t seen...seen so far!  Father, I just pray that You would begin to break the hold of the devil, break the devils fingers and break his hold off the resources where God’s people has want­ed to do so much.  Father, break that in the Name of Jesus!  And begin to move in this area in a powerful way!  In Jesus Name!  In Jesus Name!”

Pastor Dave Kelly
lives in Kentucky
words given at Valley Christian Assembly of God
Charleston, WV
February 23, 2002

... “I Have Chosen You West Virginia”

There are pictures in my spirit. I’m gonna share a little bit of what I shared last night. But the Lord showed me much more. For the Lord spoke a word to my heart last night, I want you to receive this. Those of you that yearn for revival, those of you that yearn to see the Spirit of the Lord evident in our streets and in our cities, let me give you a word from the Lord. The Lord says to you tonight and I pray to the Lord that you hear this. He said to me, “I have chosen you, West Virginia. I have chosen you, West Virginia. I have picked you as my own, I have chosen you, West Virginia, just as I chose Bethlehem to birth my son. I have chosen you, West Virginia, to birth something in this day and in this hour.

Long before men came to this place and drew their geographical lines and put their markers on your boundaries for your state, I picked you. I chose you.

Let me tell you what I see. As I was praying the Lord had me turn to Isaiah 66. It says, “Before she goes into labor, she gives birth. Before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. Who has ever heard such a thing? Who has ever seen such a thing? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner in Zion is Zion in labor that she gives birth to her children.”

And the Lord says to you this night, “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord, “Do I close up the womb when I bring delivery?” says the Lord.

He spoke that verse to me, and I want you to hear this. I’m gonna do my best to try to explain the way I see it in the Spirit.

But I see the state and the cities in WV. God has picked this state. Don’t ask me why, but the Lord has His reasons and the Lord has His seasons. But several years back the Lord gave a message to me to preach and the message was entitle, “The Birthday of Revival.”

But the Lord showed me many more things last night in this area. He showed me the state of WV. The state is pregnant, you’ve got to hear me.

I watched intercessors pray last night and the Lord revealed some things to me that I am still trying to sort through. But hear me! We keep looking for a possible outside source. But the Lord showed me, just as a baby is in its mother’s womb, there is a bag of water that surrounds that baby and protects that child. You gotta hear me. There is a bag, a membrane, which holds fluid, which the baby is able to live in and survive in until the timing of that birth. The Lord says that you, just as that baby, are surrounded and protected by that membrane. “I have surrounded this state with anointing.” Some of you are gonna get set free tonight. Some of you gotta understand you are in the womb of anointing. What is the womb of anointing? God has come to this state. He has chosen this place. I live over in Kentucky and I’m saying, “God why here?”

You’re saying, “David this is hard for me to figure out. What are you trying to say?” Let me say it to you the way the Lord spoke to Nicodemus. He said, “You must be born again.” Nicodemus said, “What? Can a man be born again? Can a man enter into his mother’s womb for a second time?” He couldn’t fathom it. He couldn’t figure it out in the natural. Can I say something to you? The Lord says, ‘The church needs to be born again.” And he has got you in the womb of His anointing right now. Some of you keep waiting for revival to come. Some of you keep waiting for an outside source. And for the first time last night, I think I got it.

God has His hand on this state. You, my friend, are in the womb of anointing. You are the seed of God. And what is going to be released my friend, is not someone else, but you. Habakkuk 2:3, “For the revelation waits an appointed time. It speaks of the end and it will not prove false. Though it linger wait for it. For it will certainly come and it will not delay.” There is a revelation according to the scripture that has not been released upon the earth yet. It’s awaiting an appointed time, much like a baby in the womb surrounded by anointing. And when that baby inside begins to grow, you know what the Lord showed me last night? He has you in His womb of anointing, and He says every time you bow your knee in intercession, you grow. Every time you bow your knee in intercession; intercession is the nutrient necessary for that seed of God to begin to develop and grow. He also showed me another nutrient necessary for the child within, the seed of God, within to grow. Every time you lift your hands in worship. Can I say something to you? That is why the devil is raging so strongly in those two areas. Because if he can keep you from prayer and keep you from worship, he can keep you from growing in the womb of anointing. He can keep you from maturity, and if he can keep you from maturity, than that means he can keep you from revelation that’s awaiting the appointed time. The Lord showed me last night and early this morning that the intercessors and the worshippers are getting weary.
I hope you can understand what I am trying to say tonight. We can’t naturally fathom what the Lord is about to do in this place. I wish I had the words to describe what the Lord is doing. Because, my friend, just as the church in New Testament times was birthed and brought firth, that was its first birth. But the Lord says, “Ye must be born again.”

We are about to be born again in the Spirit. You know the Bible says that flesh bears flesh, but the spirit births spirit. So now we are all in this thing together. You, some of you, have had days of frustration that have turned into weeks, which have turned into months, and now turned into years. But the Lord says, “Wait!” I don’t want to wait. Just like my little baby Allison didn’t want to wait, I don’t want t wait. But it’s imperative that we wait, so that when we come. – I don’t think you comprehend yet – that you are the revelation that God is going to release in the last day.

What kind of revelation? Revelation to the lost that Jesus Christ still saves. They haven’t comprehended the revealed truth yet. But if we’ll wait and if we’ll pray and intercede, and we’ll worship, we’ll grow. And the more we grow the thinner that membrane that surrounds us gets. Till that point that it gets so thin that there’s a breaking in that membrane and a releasing of that revelation. But we must wait. But I say to you tonight it’s in the waiting – it’s in the waiting that the temptation comes. See the Lord speaks something to our life and the day in which we live says, “Now!” Pop it in the microwave and give it to me in a moment.

But the Lord says, “Wait!” See the Lord speaks something to us and says, “I’m going to do this,” and we are ready on the spot. See, the Lord speaks to Noah and says, “Noah, it’s about to rain; build an ark.” And 120 years later and it hasn’t rained yet. The Lord spoke a promise to him. He said, “Get your hammer; get your nails; get your saws; start building ‘cause it’s going to rain.” He had to wait. And in his waiting I just wonder if there were moments of temptation. A few months pass by, he’s been telling people its going to rain. He’s been telling people, “God says it’s about to rain.” A few months go by and he’s the laughing stock of the nation. Everybody’s making fun of him. And I just wonder if through those months and through those years of building he said, “God you told me it was going to rain and I have been out here day in and day out hammering in the midnight hour. And I haven’t felt a drop.” He throws his hammer down and says, “I’m going to the house. I quit!”

Because it’s in the waiting time that many of us quit. I quit! I’m tired of this! That promise is never gonna come. Lord you spoke to me and said revival was coming – I feel it in my spirit, but I’ve been praying for years and now people are laughing at me. I’ve been building this ark, I’ve been preparing this place for you because you said you were coming. He says, “Wait!”

But in the waiting there’s a temptation to quit. It’s in the waiting the temptation to get satisfied comes. I’ve been praying long enough, I’ve been pursuing long enough. You know what? Church isn’t that bad anyway. I mean, it’s better than it was. Amen! But is it where God called you to be?

I feel like the Lord has sent me by to let you know tonight ‘cause some of you are on the verge of quitting. And I really feel it strong in the area of intercession and worship. Your intercession has become dry and there seems to be no power there, seems to be a lot of repetition, a lot of mechanicalism about it. But the Lord says, “Wait!”

Worship has become stale and stoic. And you’re at the verge of going, “You know what? I’ve spent months waiting, years waiting. I think I’ll just settle in.” You know what? It’s in the waiting that the temptation comes. It’s in the waiting that we maybe begin to find substitutes for God’s glory. We begin to find substitutes. Maybe we pop in a video and watch a certain man or read a certain book. Maybe we begin to be like the children of Israel in Exodus the 32nd chapter. “When the people saw that Moses was so long in his coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, ‘Come make us gods who would go before us, as for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what happened to him.’” They got tired of waiting. They got so tired of waiting that they took their own things and created something. Let me say this to you. The Lord showed me this in the Word. Just as Moses brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, they had always had a leader, looking for someone to lead them. Do you understand? Moses led them everywhere. And for a mom in their lives, about a 40 day period, they didn’t have anybody to lead them. And because inside of them was created for someone to lead them, someone to give them guidance, they got tired of waiting and said, “Let us make other gods that will go before us. Let us find something else that will lead us on.”

Are you hearing me? Because they got tired of waiting they built for themselves a golden calf. You all know the story. And I love this part: “When the Lord revealed to Moses what had happened in the camp, he started going down the mountain.” And it says in verse 17, “When Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting, he said to Moses, ‘There is a sound of war in the camp.’” I love this reply, though. “Moses said, ‘It is not a sound of defeat. It’s a sound of singing that I hear.”

I just wonder what kind of sounds we are releasing up. Because they got into a place where they didn’t have the sound of victory and they didn’t have the sound of defeat. They just did a whole lot of singing. They said, “We’ll meet. We’ll join together. We’ll have a good time. You know, we’ve have bondage in our lives. We’re struggling with inner problems and sins in our lives. We don’t really have the sound of victory, but we are not doing so badly. We are not really defeated that bad, either. So we’ll just get happy and dance for a while. We’ll sing a few songs.”

I don’t know is that describes where you’re at today or possibly where the church of America is. But I’m not satisfied with just singing. I’m not even satisfied with hearing just the sound of war. Let me tell you what happened. Moses asked who was on his side and the sons of Levi said that they were. I believe that God is asking that same question. I believe God has come off the mountain and he is speaking to the churches in this valley. And he is saying, “I hear the sound of war, but it is not the sound of victory and it is not the sound of defeat. It’s just a bunch of singing. And I want to know tonight who is on my side.” You know what happened? He said, “I want you to go through this camp killing your brother, your son, and all of those who were on the other side. I want you to slaughter.” You know what he was saying? “All of those who are satisfied with just singing I want you to separate yourselves from. I want you to be a people who comes out and separates yourselves from it.”


And here is something that is awesome. Because, all because, they chose not to wait, the Bible says that, that day 3,000 were killed. All because they chose not to wait. I wonder what would have happened if they had chose to wait. I think we get a glimpse over in the New Testament when there were a few men and women of God that went into an upper and said, “We’re gonna wait this time. Now we might start out 500 but I’m not going to be one of those that leave.” The Bible says that because they chose to wait – you gotta understand that we are a people that need a leader and they had no leader because Jesus had just left. But God says, “Wait! I’m gonna send somebody down. Wait! Don’t leave yet. Don’t build anything. Just go pray and worship ‘cause I’m about to give revelation unto your cities. – Because they chose to get unto a place of intercession and worship – they waited for the leader. They waited for one that would lead them to a new place and because they chose to wait, instead of 3,000 being slaughtered, the Bible says, “In that day 3,000 came to know the Lord.”  That’s pretty awesome.

You know what I’m here to tell you tonight that there is a responsibility in reaching the city. And you are  just like me. Your flesh is just like my flesh. I want to see the glory. I want to feel the glory. I want to know the Lord like I never knew him. But I tell you more than that I want revelation to be released from my life into the streets of our cities that others might know that same power. The Lord says to you tonight, “You must be born again.” I want to give you warning tonight. It is so easy in the waiting time to get bitter, to begin to get resentful, to start finger-pointing and say. “It’s this pastor or that pastor.” When you do that your choosing not to wait. King Saul, according to the Scripture, if he’d have stayed on course, the house of Saul would have been established forever. Know what his downfall was? He couldn’t wait. Samuel said, “I will be there in seven days.” And on the seventh day he got antsy and Samuel didn’t show up. The Bible says that Saul took the offering and he sacrificed it. And Samuel showed up at the time he was doing it and he said, “What in the world are you doing? Because you chose not to wait, Saul, God’s already picked another man.” Listen to me child of God. Because you choose not to wait, God will pick somebody else. You know why, because he loves this city. He loves this valley. He loves the children, the mothers, and the fathers. I don’t care how dirty they are. I don’t care what kind of sin they are in. I don’t care what kind of things they are involved in, His heart breaks for them.

Seed in the Womb of God’s Anointing

We are the actual seed in the womb of God’s anointing. And every time we bow our knee and every time we lift our voices, we are growing in that womb. And the Lord says, “As soon as Zion travails, she’ll bring forth a child” I felt a real sense last night. You know they do these ultra sounds as we went through the pregnancy with Janis and it gives a snapshot of the baby inside the womb. It showed Allison moving around and I wish you could have felt what I felt last night. As I watched people worship and I watched people intercede, all I could see was us moving inside that womb, stretching inside that womb, waiting our times. Waiting our destination, waiting for our moment of taking in the nutrients of the Lord. At we are growing and that we are maturing inside of that. We are forming a body. The little fingers and the roes are growing. All of the parts start growing. Do you understand that the turmoil our city is in and the church is in is because God is forming his baby again? Inside the womb of anointing, God is bringing churches, pastors, intercessors, and worshippers together. What’s happening? I’ll tell you. There is a maturing taking place. The heart is beginning to get stronger. The lungs are beginning to get stronger. There are things that are happening. God says, “I’ve chosen you WV. I’ve picked you. Wait for it. Stay in the process.” Hebrews 6:12 says, “in order to inherit the promises of God, have faith and patience.” Have faith and patience. If you don’t have patience to wait your faith won’t last until that moment.

Cindy Fullerton
Cindy is a daughter of WV. Cindy with her husband Wayne
are serving with Youth With A Mission

... Reckless Abandonment for Jesus

I believe God gave me during my visit to West Virginia on Easter weekend. 

God encouraged me about the future of WV.  I had very little hope for my beloved home until then.

The first word was when I saw a license plate with the familiar “Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia” written on it.  The Lord said that WV would be “wild” for Him.  There would be a reckless abandonment for Jesus.

The other words I will just list:

·          WV will become a “Union” state. (Unity)

·          WV is like a sheep in the cleft of the rocks.  God, the good shepherd, will pull WV out.

·          Prosperity will come to WV as a “wild” state.  WV will be recognized as “wild” for God.  There will be amazement at the prosperity and all the glory will go to God.  There will be new business, new homes, new tourism, new government, new roads (double meanings).
·          The River is here!  I saw a sternwheeler pushing five barges full of coal on the river.  I saw this three separate times.  The sternwheeler represents the Holy Spirit and the barge is the five fold ministry.  The Lord said the barges were about to be set on fire.

·          Young people will rise up as leaders of a new move of God.

·          Pastures will again appear, green pastures.  For He makes me lie down in green pastures.

Praise God!  He has a plan for WV. A plan for prosperity and He has given me a hope for the future.  Be blessed by the Fathers love.

Dutch Sheets
Words given at the
Church at Fairmont, WV
March 21, 2003

... It’s Time

You guys have more unity here then I’ve got in my hometown. I’m here to say this because I fill it so strongly. You’re going to have to change some thin­gs and go to another level if you’re going to get this. IT IS TIME...A­ND YOU ARE STANDING ON THE THRESHOLD OF INCREDIBLE BREAK­THROUGH. But when that comes you can’t do business as usua­l, you have to hear the strategy of the Lord. ...(Dutch speaks to the pastors exhorting us to move from seeing our own places to looking at the big picture of God’s intent for a region.  He reminds the pastors that they are a piece of that picture) There are some strategies He wants to give you on how to shake and break things loose in this region. If you will hear Him clearly right now and shift whatever it is... It may require a higher level of laying down your agenda (Dutch re­minds us that agenda’s aren’t bad) but what is being said is that your vision, or whatever God has given you to do you may have to sacrifice it for a season or lay it down and say Lord I want the good of the whole more then I want my own.

And so because you are doing this (to a degree, because you’re here) and I can see what God is doing in this region... but because this is so strong on me...  so He is obviously going to say something to you that is going to take you to another level with this.

It’s the people, the churches, the leaders coming together and doing some things that is going to release this breakthrough in the heavenlies. 

There is a strategy.

I don’t know what they (the strategies) are.  I don’t know what you have to do.  I just know you’re close, you’ve shifted from Karo to Karos and your coming to fullness.  You’ve got to go to that place together.

Maybe you’re going to have to PRAY MORE TOGETHER, LEAD­ERS.  Maybe you’re going to have to GET RADICAL.  Maybe you’re going to have to meet together every week and pray together.
 I can’t even image, what would happen, if even a small percentage of pastors would get together and seek God’s outpouring, even once a week for two, three or four hours... and get on your faces and say Lord, nothing else matters but that we get breakthrough over this state and have an outpouring that would bring Harvest in.  I can’t image what would happen.

Somehow we think we can get breakthrough on “this” level....  Sometimes we’ve have to change something to get something different ( If you keep doing the thin­gs you’ve always done you keep getting the results you’ve always gotten).  But if we would change what we are doing and HEAR THE STRATEGY OF HEAVEN, I believe things will change... VERY QUICKLY.

What are we willing to change?  How badly do we want to see this? Are we willing to lay it all on the line? Are we willing to put it all on the alter?

Lord what are you saying to this people?  What are you requiring of them Lord?  What do they need to change?

What is the strategy of heaven?  What is the strategy of heaven for West Virginia? This region, what is it Lord?

Surely there is something that would give us BREAKTHROUGH!  Surely we can see the moment!  Surely we can see things shift in Heavenlies so that rain falls!

And the God of History becomes the God of Today!

The Breaker goes up before us!  The King leading us into battle!  And shows us how to break strongholds over a generation!

Shows us how to break lethergy off of the church!
And shows us what will create a spirit of Harvest and Deliverance.

Surely, the Lord God, Surely, unless we are so confused and deceived, Surely You want this much more then we do.

Surely, Lord, we’re  not waiting on You, You must be waiting on us. You must be trying to get the right cooperation here on earth.
And we know that Your arm is not so short it can not save... So there must be something we need to hear, we need to do to get breakthrough.

I don’t know what it is, Lord, but I do know that You’re saying to me right now about this.... I KNOW IT’S TIME.  I KNOW WHERE WE GET IT AND I KNOW THERE IS A STRATEGY.

I’M ASKING YOU TO MAKE THIS PART OF THE NATION A MODEL, a place, a region that hears a sound, that dares to go on record, and say IT’S TIME,... THAT IT’S TIME... GO TELL THE LEADERS, IT’S TIME,... TELL THE CHURCH IT’S TIME... THERE MUST BE A PEOPLE WHO ARE WILLING TO HEAR FROM HEAVEN and do the strategy, MUST BE WILLING (You wouldn’t have given me this word if they weren’t willing) THERE MUST BE SOME WHO (here) THERE MUST BE SOME WHO ARE WILLING. There must be those who will pay the price, who would change some things, who will go all the way, who will pray more, fast more, move into that heavenly place and change the atmosphere over this region.
They MUST have been able to do that, You must have brought them to that point, (this is not time waisted) YOU MUST HAVE BROUGHT THEM TO THIS PLACE, You MUST  have a people here, You MUST.  We don’t want things to go on as they have been, we don’t want that any longer, Lord, we’re not happy with it, we are not satisfied with any part of it, we are not satisfied with any part of where we’ve been.
 We Want More.
  We Want Power From Heaven. 
We Want People to be added to the Church Daily those who are being saved.
We Want You to Awaken.
We Want the Power of Your Holy Spirit to draw them in.

United States Strategic Prayer Network
50 State Tour - July 18-19 -
Beckley, West Virginia
Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets 
continues July 19

Connecting and disconnecting with your history.  I was going to take about 10 minutes on this, but it is a very important word for you right now

For God to totally release you to the performance stage, when He performs his word, you are going to have to understand and do some things that are obviously not quite done and reconnecting with past history

As a matter of fact I think we are just supposed to stop right now and pray:

This is really important and I don’t want to rush through it

Lord, whatever you are trying to say to West Virginia, about their history, I’m asking you to make it clear and it may be something that has already been shared or already known... and its already started. Something leaders have already tuned into, and has been repented over, but maybe it needs to go there again.  Maybe there are some wells of revival that need to be re-dug. You make it clear to them, this state is positioned to do it, now show them what to do.  By the power of your Spirit, unlock hidden treasure, connect them, bring them into alignment, and where necessary reconnect and where there has been misalignment, where there has been breech in the sense of broken relationships: racially, denominationally, religiously.  I believe I hear the Lord say that through some religious strongholds, it is interesting that through religion division comes what is supposed to bring us together separates us.  I hear the Lord say, the separation that has come through religious strongholds part of what I am feeling right now, the Lord is going to allow and show you how to break that.  When that healing comes where there has been disconnection there will also be a *reversing and a taking back of the land, that was given to "that spirit" that was able to bring a stronghold of this religiosity denying the power, just traditions, a religious stronghold, and when you move into that realm that part of religiousness you open yourself to demonic activity and they are spirits.

But Here is what I hear the Lord saying: He’s going to break that off this state, if you will allow Him to show you what some of the roots are then there will be repenting and cleansing off some the breaches that have taken place relationally, your to find that not only are you going to begin to get along better, but religious strongholds over the church will be broken.  Now when there is a religious stronghold, with that there is a very reciprocal lost of power. And so when you find yourself in situations where there’s a lot of going through the motions, and I don’t mean this in a negative sense, but doing what should produce results, yet the results just won’t come, its because of a religious spirit, and it's keeping the power of God from being released, I didn’t make the connection till just now, but the reason the Lord has me on this is because of what I saw during worship: God is desperately wanting to begin a release of supernatural power around this state signs, wonders, miracles, to happen, there must be a breaking through this stronghold that has caused a weakening in the Body of Christ and really blocked the power there is not the alignment that there needs to be, it is like an electrical power cord or transmission line that has a disconnection.  The current is there, but it just cannot connect and flow through, until things are healed and the breach is taken care of and now the power can flow through it. 

Now we are gong to go all of the way with this until I feel a breakthrough.  Stand with me right now, and lets pray, you begin to agree with me in prayer.  OK, let’s get this...  Let’s start it right now and God’s going to give some of you insight into what to do and where to do this.  I really feel like that surprisingly more of this is linked in this state to religious division that allowed this and breaches rather than even racial or that sort of thing.  This is what I feel, now there may be the other, but this is what I feel.  This is what God is tuning me into, let me say it that way. 

“Now Lord, I’m asking you to heal this.  I’m asking you to give your leadership the understanding that they need as to how to do this, where to go, what to pray, who to go to, maybe just a lot of small acts of reconnecting, realigning, it may be some big things, I just release now, in Jesus Name, the revelation that is necessary to bring this about.  We just release the Word of the Lord over your leadership, so they will hear very clearly what needs to happen, so that West Virginia can have this breach healed and this religious spirit will then be disarmed, and this ceiling over Your people where your power is concerned will be broken and there will be a connection with heaven and earth, and the power will begin to flow, signs, wonders, miracles will occur, and the Lord says this can happen within six months, if you’ll do what He’s telling you to do.  Spread the word, this can be broken, that which has lasted for decades, and decades and decades, can be broken in a very short season of time and supernatural great signs and wonders can begin and that would be by the end of this year.  And now Lord we decree, by 2005 West Virginia can be moving into a very supernatural release of signs, wonders, miracles, The glory, the power of your Spirit, the gold dust as it were that I saw in the Spirit, the glory, your Presence, your hovering Presence, the density, the dew of Your Spirit, the very cloud of God can come into this state and rain down miracles and when the miracles happen and signs and wonders begin to take place then the lost will begin to come in because You get their attention.  And Lord, signs and wonders always produce that, so harvest will begin very shortly.

So we declare that 2005 is the beginning of harvest in the state of West Virginia, that great signs and wonders are going to begin. And deliverance is going to occur, the veil is going to be lifted the ceiling is going to be broken, You are going to rend the heavens, break that ceiling off, and begin to come down. And I decree right now that there is a great release of power that is coming to this region.  We say there is a history, a good history and a bad history.  We are going to disconnect from the bad and reconnect with the good.  There is a conventional history with God.  There are forefathers in this state, men and women of God who have paid a price, have plowed the ground, preached the word, we say those wells are going to reopen, You are going to reconnect the people of God to the righteous inheritance that’s here, even in the family lines and in generations.  And Lord, there is coming a new release of power a synergy of the ages is coming, a re-connection with the good and the righteous and the blessings of the covenant are going to flow again. Right down through the church in West Virginia.  Family lines are going to be healed, relationships are going to be healed, bodies are going to be healed, breaches are going to be healed, rejections and betrayals are going to be healed, there is coming a healing relationships in this state, family members are going to be healed, restoration is going to take place, even things that have resulted from feuds from long ago, are going to another level of healing. And God says, “I am going to bring healing into the very atmosphere of this state, spirit soul and body.  This will be a state that is going to be known for healing - healing - healing - healing - healing - healing - healing_ 

Is this where some of that feud stuff went on that we have heard about over the years?  Is this the state?  Here’s what I hear the Lord say, there are a lot of things that you think are not there anymore, but the roots are still there in this state.  Because they are demonic, and so, some things that look like they are healed and they don’t happen anymore, they just spring up over here and they look different. Now this family doesn’t get along or this person doesn’t get along, and its not the Hatfields and the McCoys anymore, but it’s the same spirit.  Just popping up in different ways. Breaking relationships, splitting churches, you know.  Come on, we are going to pray just one more time, because I see that very clearly, “Now Lord, we just say, You are going to expose the root of all of this, and You are going to break through it, and the Church of West Virginia is going to begin to mirror the beauty of this state. Its going to be the beauty of holiness, its going to be the beauty of Your Presence, its going to be the beauty of brothers coming together in harmony and families living together in harmony.  We say, Lord, that which is in the natural is supposed to be a picture of that which is in the spirit.  So there is coming great beauty, there is coming great luscious foliage, fruit, green vegetation is coming to the Church in West VirginiaWe just decree that over them now, Lord, we just say that, which has brought evil, the evil root and the spirits that have prevailed, that’s all going to be exposed, and the power of Your Spirit is going to absolutely eliminate it, pull that root out of the ground - in Jesus Name_  Broken covenants will be healed.  Now we thank You for this Lord, just give Him thanks_  We thank You Father, we bless You. We love Ya_  Thank ya Lord_  Thank you Lord. 

Boy, I felt a release on that_  That doesn’t mean that it is finished.  That means that what we needed to do to birth that in the spirit, to begin to happen, I felt really strong about that. 

You have come to a real, a very - I’m just leaving my notes and going with what I feel in my spirit - You have come to an appointed time that is, that is filled with potential fruit in this state.  This is so clear to me in the Spirit.

One of the fascinating words for me - some of you pastors and leaders may want to study this - go to some of the words in Greek that begin with pro-.  The prefix pro- in Greek does what the prefix pre- does in English.  It means ahead of time or in advance.  One of the words coming into my spirit right now is pro-horizo.  This is the word from which we get horizon in English.  The word means boundaries, so the boundary where earth and sky meet the farthest that you can see is the horizon.  It's used to talk about in the New Testament how God determines our lives, our days, our times are in His hand the Psalmist said.  I love the places where this word is pro-horizo, He predestines, He predetermines, He has a destiny for us, an horizo, a boundary for my life. When I dedicated my life to the Lord He is not up in Heaven trying to come up with a plan for me.  When I get into trouble He is not trying to come up with a way out.  He knows the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:10 says He declares the end from the beginning. (“I am God, and there is no one like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;” Isaiah 46:9b-10.) 

Predestination is a theological term that really messes with a lot of people.  And because it became such a theological hot thing, we don’t talk much about it, but when God predestines, when He uses this word in Scripture, predestined just means predestined_  It doesn’t mean that God takes away our free will, it means that if I cooperate with Him and choose His way He has a destiny that He ordained for me before I was ever formed in my mother’s womb.  I still have to make the right choices to cooperate, but if I do He has a pre-plan for my life - pro-horizo is the word.  And He declares that from the beginning, is just a little word study I did recently and it is coming to me for here...when you change the word from pro-horizo and you put a different prefix on the front of it instead of pro - apo - which completely changes it now and it becomes the New Testament word for set-apart_  “Set apart to me, Paul and Barnabas for the work I’ve called them to.”  So, He has called me, He has in advance marked out the purpose, the boundaries, the horizons of my life.  He knows exactly what He wants for me to do, but as time goes on...and God brought this phrase to me recently...the phrase was so interesting that I began to meditate on it.  I knew it was the Lord speaking to me.  He said, “Eventually time catches up to my decree.  I decree - I decree - Isaiah 46:10 - I declare the end from the beginning because I am not in time, but eventually,” He said, “time catches up to My decree.”  That which I have pro-horizo for you, eventually you get to the point where it is not pro- anymore, you are there and the Lord says, “Move into it now - aphorizo_” 

You know, Paul often said, the Lord who called me to do this from my mother’s womb. But in Acts 13, the Lord said now The time has caught up with My decree, set apart unto Me.  The Lord is saying to West Virginia, “You have caught up with some decrees, you have reached a fullness of time, if you go all the way with this now you can have some incredible breakthrough and fruit that you have been waiting for, a long time.  The time is now to move into it_  There must be a response of faith to the Lord with that word.  Hope deferred comes in and erodes our faith, and we asked so much and we have tried so hard and we have persevered so long at times when someone makes a statement like that we don’t really know whether we believe it our not.

(Long Pause_)

There is strange thing when I just said what I did about you, this state, moving into that opportunity.  I literally felt in my spirit a mix of unbelief and faith coming back at me and I realized there was a degree of “I want to embrace that, I don’t know if I can.”  Now, where does that come from?  That’s the fruit of hope deferred which makes our heart sick, Proverbs says.  When you have heart disease, you can’t run the race.  You can’t believe. God spoke to me awhile back and He said this to me (this was about 3-4 years ago), “I need you to revisit faith.”  “What do you mean you want me to revisit faith?”  “I need for you to revisit faith_ And I need you to go back to the basics and understand what it is and how it comes and I for you to intentionally revisit some things to get yourself back in a position of faith so I can do what I am about to do in your life because your faith level is not in a place right now that is going to enable me to do it.  You must get yourself re-positioned you’ve allowed hope deferred to come in and erode some of that and you don’t do what I am telling you right now I am not going to be able to do what I want to do in your life.”  That’s a scary word.  And so I did...I am so glad I did because of what God has done in my life in the last 3-4 years has stretched me way beyond anything I was prepared for at the time.  I mean, when God put this mantle on me for America and said, “I’m going to send you to the nation,” and began to broaden my calling to the nation, “I’m going to start sending you to cities and places to make decrees and to intercede and to do this and to do that.”  And basically I just said to the Lord, “Let me start in Nowhere, Montana or some po-dunk crossroads.”  And the Lord said, “No, you are going to start in DC, we are going to establish something right up front. This is not about you, it is not about who you are, how big you are, what you know or don’t know.  It is all about me.  And I want to get something straight right now, with Me (Him talking) there is no big or little, hard or difficult, possible or impossible, I just do what I do_  And I don’t have hard or easy.  Now until you think the way I think, you can’t do this, now go back to the basics and get it right.”  Now that is what I did_  I am so glad I did, because I couldn’t have done this.  Now when God gives me an assignment in a state, when I do what God tells me it’s done, I don’t worry about it.  I felt something when I said that awhile ago.  I felt some unbelief.  I don’t know what to do about that and I’m not rebuking you at all.  I’m not feeling any resistance.  I’m just wondering if we should stop and pray because I feel like the religious spirit I just talked to you about a while ago has brought a spirit of unbelief to this state.  Form of Godliness but not the power.  In name your alive but in many ways you’re not there.  You got to get that off.

“Lord how do we do this?”  I’m just going to pray right now... “Lord I’m asking you to let the fruit of what you’re about to do in West Virginia in breaking these strongholds especially this religious thing we just talked about and prayed about, I’m asking you Lord to move the people back in to a place of faith were they can believe in the greatness of God and that they can know that the promises are coming to pass and they won’t waiver and grow weary in their well doing, but they’ll persevere right up to the end because their faith is so solid.  And I just rebuke the spirit of unbelief that is hovering over this state and I break off of your people dullness of hearing and the spirit of unbelief. Lord and I release them to bring forth what’s in their DNA because in their spirits they are a people of faith, they are the household of faith, they are the children of faith.  They have a spirit of faith. They have the fruit of the spirit faith.  So Lord I’m asking you now to resurrect and even to bring forth the gift of faith in West Virginia so that your people can begin to respond to you with hope.  And Lord those who have been discouraged, those who have persevered for so long and tried so hard and just have not seen the breakthrough and have become weary, would You break hope deferred off them and heal their heart, Lord, so that can believe again, so that the promises that have not come to pass.  Lord just work in there.  I feel the Lord just.. This is the strangest picture I’ve ever had.  I see the Lord just massaging, like you take a heart and they take it.. I see him massaging your spirit.  I see God massaging the spirit of the church, your heart, but *your spiritual heart.  Lord just massage the heart, the spirit in West Virginia, and get it pumping again with vibrant faith so that what ever you say, whatever you tell them to do they’re ready to do it Lord.  They’re ready to run the race full of vigor, full of zeal, full of power, full of enthusiasm, full of vision, full of life, filled with faith.  Break the power of discouragement.  Thank you Lord.  Thank you Lord.  Strangest thing I’ve ever seen, I’ve never seen anything like that before.  If you’re a leader, your full time ministry leader, pastor, evangelist, apostolic leader, prophet, whatever just stand up now.  We’re just going to do another minute or two of intercession.  Lord we stand in the gap now for the leaders across this state.  Lord your people, good people who love you most of them doing what their doing for the right reasons.  Persevering, even when it’s been hard and difficult and Lord even when they have drifted into staleness or hope deferred or unbelief.  It’s not because their bad people, it’s because the journey at times gets very wearing and their doing their best but Lord we stand in the gap for them right now and we say break off of your church the spirit of unbelief and all hope deferred.  Lord *massage their heart now where they begin to dream again.  Vision, filled with vision , filled with life, filled with faith, ready to move forward, able to embrace anything you say when you say I’m coming to your city and I’m going to transform it.  There won’t be this rejection that this couldn’t be God, but there will be this spirit of faith that engages and says show me what to do, I’m ready.  Lord we break off of them fear, the spirit of fear, insecurity.  The lie that says they can’t over come, they can’t prosper, they can’t hear from God.  I break that off of them in Jesus name and we release a spirit of faith to the church in West Virginia.  Coming to revive them, You are, You are  coming to revive them.  Thank you Lord, massage the heart.  Thank you Lord.  Please be seated, lets just do one more quick word.  Boy that felt good_  I love it when the Lord does that.  He’s just wrecked my world in the last 3-4 years, I didn’t realize how traditional and stuck I was.