Sunday, July 1, 2018

Open Letter to the WV Church

 Awaken the Dawn Sept 27,28,29--STATEWIDE PRAYER GATHERING



11:10 AM (8 hours ago)
to meronthaxton

Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 5:30 PM
Subject: Awaken the Dawn Sept 27,28,29--STATEWIDE PRAYER GATHERING

Grace and Peace to you in Jesus name!!

I just wanted to share a letter from our WV State Ambassador, Pastor Jay Morgan,
for this years vision behind Awaken the Dawn.  Awaken the Dawn is a national
worship and prayer movement, and on these three days our whole nation will be
gathering at their capitols for prayer and worship.  We have a vision for
Sept 29th, Saturday to have all 55 counties represented in Charleston at the capitol!  

Please read his message below and pray about being involved.
Also, please email us if you are interested in helping mobilize your county
for the capitol tent, college tents or for the Unity gathering on Saturday!  

Blessings to you all and thank you for praying and being watchmen on the
wall for West Virginia! Sarah Frazier


The WV Church—United 55 Strong in Prayer.

Achieving Unity through Humility. 

September 29, 2018, 12:30pm | WV State Capitol Steps

Whether you agree with their cause or not, there is no denying that WV
captured the attention of the nation and the world as teachers, from every
county, stood together in unity.  Unity is a powerful statement.  Unity
commands attention. Unity shapes history.  

We believe that it is time for the church of WV to come together,
united 55 counties strong, to ask God to heal our land.

This gathering will take place on September 29, 2018, 12:30pm,
on our State Capitol steps.  

On September 27, 28 and 29, 2018, Awaken the Dawn will be mobilizing 
night and day, prayer and worship in every state capital city and on 
hundreds of college campuses across America.  Awaken the Dawn-WV
will have a tent that will host nonstop worship on our State Capitol building
grounds from 6:00 PM Thursday, September 27 to 12:30pmSaturday, 
September 29.  (For more information on that event, go to and for West Virginia specifically go to the
Facebook page: Awaken the Dawn- West Virginia)

On Saturday, September 29, at 12:30pm, we will end this time of 
prayer and worship with a unified prayer gathering that will involve 
Jesus’ Church from every county of our state.  

A Jericho Moment for the WV Church
We believe that is event can be a “Jericho moment” for the WV church.  As we
gather united in humility to pray, we expect walls to fall.  
  • Race will not separate us.  WV Christians of every race and ethnicity
    will gather.
  • Denomination or doctrinal persuasion will not separate us.  Protestants,
    Catholics, Charismatics, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Calvinists, Arminians
    and others will all gather. 
  • Political parties will not separate us: Democratic Christians,
    Republican Christians, Libertarian Christians, Independent Christians and
    other political persuasions will all gather.
  • Economic class will not separate us:  Upper class, middle class, lower class
    (and no class) will gather.
  • Age will not separate us:  Christians from every age will gather. 
    We intentionally desire to honor the older generations and empower
    the younger generations through this event.

We believe that the severity of the issues in our state and nation necessitates the
church setting aside our differences for the unifying causes of prayer and humility.
We will focus on the exaltation of Jesus and the principles on which we agree. 

Unifying Principles
  • The Lordship of Jesus.  We desire to see Jesus’ worth proclaimed
    to our state and world. We believe there is no other name in Heaven or
    Earth by which man can be saved (Acts 4:12).  
  • The Authority of Scripture.  We believe Scripture should direct our belief
    and practice.  We share a desire to pursue the righteousness of God as
    outlined in Scripture. Turning from our wicked ways is a mandate given to
    us by God (2 Chronicles 7:14). 
  • Humility.  We will gather in humility before God asking Him to heal our
    land. But we will also gather in humility toward our brothers and sisters—
    preferring others over ourselves (Philippians 2:3).   We will seek unity through

Desired Outcomes for the Event
  • Unity:  As already mentioned, unity is a powerful statement.   Unity commands
    attention. Unity shapes history.  God blesses unity in His Church.  Many of us
    have been diligent to seek unity within the Body of Christ in our immediate
    communities.  This gathering will build upon that as we seek unity across the
    entire state of WV, as Jesus’ Church from all 55 counties, gathers in one spot to pray.   
  • A Testament to the World:  We believe that an intentional, unified effort, by
    the West Virginia Church from all 55 counties, gathered at one place to pray
    and exalt Jesus,  can be a powerful testimony to an unbelieving world around us. 
    Jesus prayed that His church would be one so that the world would know who He
    is (John 17:23). We believe that something spiritually significant happens when
    Jesus’ Church sets aside its differences for His glory. 
  • Relationships: We recognize that an event alone will not bring unity to the body
    of Christ in WV.  However, we expect that the relationships formed leading up to,
    during, and following this gathering will be the foundation for ongoing unity in the
    Church across the state of WV.  We believe that new, ongoing city, county and
    regional initiatives can be cultivated and existing efforts can be nurtured through
    this prayer gathering. 
  • Statewide Spiritual Awakening: We believe that revival—the sovereign move
    of God in a community—comes as a direct response to prayer.  We believe that
    it is time for the church of WV to come together, united—55 counties strong—
    to ask God to heal our land. While many of us are already praying for this, we
    recognize the power of a united church coming together in one place, in one mind
    and one accord. 
  • A Catalyst:  We pray that this united event in WV will catalyze other states to
    launch intentionally inclusive, state-wide prayer gatherings.  We believe that this
    gathering can serve as a strategic part of God’s plan to bring awakening to our
    state and world.  

What we will do when we gather:
  • We will gather with humility before God and toward our brothers and sisters
    to pray and worship.  
  • We will have representatives from every county of our state lead some
    element of our prayer time.  
  • We will confess to God that working separated from each other is not winning
    the battle against evil in our state, nation and world.  
  • We will commit to making every effort to pursue unity and keep the bond of
    peace with each other.  
  • We will commit to return to righteousness in our personal lives.
  • We will ask God to bring unity to His Church.  
  • We will ask God to heal our land.
  • We will pray God’s blessing over each county in our state.
  • We will pray God’s blessing over each other.  

How you can be involved now:
  • Prayer Warriors:  We need you to commit to praying for this gathering
    beginning now!  
    • We need you to pray for the planners and coordinators of this
    • We need you to pray against any divisive attack of the enemy
      that would hinder this gathering.
    • We need you to pray that leading up to this gathering, bridges
      will be built to all parts of the body of Christ in West Virginia. 
  • Mobilizers:  We need you to commit to sharing the vision for this gathering
    and mobilizing people in your county to come to this gathering. 
  • Everyone: We need you to commit to praying for the gathering, spreading
    the word about the gathering and coming to the gathering!   

If you desire to help mobilize your church, county or region around
this prayer gathering, 
please e-mail Jay Morgan at or Cody and Sarah Frazier

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