Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013 Recovery into Wholeness

 Chuck Pierce - 2012 - Pt 3

This year that we have entered is:   5773 (Hebraic year).  

This year we move from “recovery” into “wholeness”.  We’ve recovered a lot of pieces, but now we move into a wholeness where we are actually hitting on all cylinders, and with it, we are actually bridging a gap between the past and the future – so this year is the year when the transitional bridge all of a sudden it is formed - your transition shifts and you are crossing over fully into that power of expectation that the enemy has tried to rob from you.   

We are celebrating the year ahead. (2013)

We are in a season where old captivities break – things that held regions, your bloodline captive has to let go this season.

God says there is an oasis from your last season and if you will jump into that oasis you will come out into a whole new type of creature (pool of Bethesda).

This year the letters for the year are AYIN GIMEL. (5773 – the number 3)

We are in a season where God is watching us – heaven is opening up and aligning us into the earth realm and a new well is rising up in our midst.  There is an alignment this season and the well that we drink from comes up new and fresh.

Triumphant Reserve

Chuck Pierce- 2012 - Pt 2

The Lord is going to start speaking to you; He is going to start re-directing you. The Lord is going to start moving you into a realm that you have touched but not lived in. 

All of a sudden we will be moving and accomplishing purposes we’ve never really accomplished before.  Starting now and over the next 10 months, remember there is a glory realm that is shifting in the earth realm. 

Heaven has invaded the earth realm and there is a glory realm moving and we are going to start moving with this glory realm in a new way and it is going to cause things – it will be like jigsaw puzzles.   

All of a sudden you will be at the right place at the right time and a piece falls in place and another piece, etc.   And things we have been crying out to happen are all of a sudden put together in the earth realm, and we see the manifestation. 

Don’t lean on your own understanding. Things are happening around you and if you get bogged down in them right now, you will miss what God is doing. He is giving us eyes to see in this realm.
We have a season where the triumphant reserve is forming – being formed into a new triumphant people.   

We are going through things and coming through things and we are advancing through these things – a people who know how to play the trump card.    We are coming to a place.  It’s like you are playing cards and everybody around you thinks you are losing but you play that trump card you’ve been holding and you win or you triumph.  

 And the Lord says that is the type of revelation I am bringing into my people this season so that at the right time they are going to speak the one word and everything else comes into alignment with it.  And a reserve are those that are coming off out of not being used one way but being developed a way and all of a sudden God is calling them back into action.  Now that is the type of place we are in right now. 

You Are Going to Move In A New Way

Chuck Pierce- 2012 -Pt1

All of a sudden you are going to know where you have to be and you have to get there.
It’s very important that we get this because the Presence and the Glory are making a shift in the earth realm and, because of this we are going to have to shift and follow in new ways.  

The Lord said, “Your transition has shifted”.  It is a transition to make your way in the new.  We are actually in the new.  The Lord said, “Your transition has shifted, shift with me”.  Things around you are going to change quickly.  Things around you are changing rapidly.  The question is, will we be in tune to move with him.  There is going to be divine interruptions and divine directions coming and you will have to move quickly.   

We are in the new.

We are going to have to be trained to hear the Lord say, “You need to be here” as we move forward. God is going to be doing something new with all of us, we are going to be showing up places, we are going to pull down heaven into those places, and then the glory is going to spread until the glory covers an entire region.

Get ready; you are going to start moving in a new way.