Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013 Recovery into Wholeness

 Chuck Pierce - 2012 - Pt 3

This year that we have entered is:   5773 (Hebraic year).  

This year we move from “recovery” into “wholeness”.  We’ve recovered a lot of pieces, but now we move into a wholeness where we are actually hitting on all cylinders, and with it, we are actually bridging a gap between the past and the future – so this year is the year when the transitional bridge all of a sudden it is formed - your transition shifts and you are crossing over fully into that power of expectation that the enemy has tried to rob from you.   

We are celebrating the year ahead. (2013)

We are in a season where old captivities break – things that held regions, your bloodline captive has to let go this season.

God says there is an oasis from your last season and if you will jump into that oasis you will come out into a whole new type of creature (pool of Bethesda).

This year the letters for the year are AYIN GIMEL. (5773 – the number 3)

We are in a season where God is watching us – heaven is opening up and aligning us into the earth realm and a new well is rising up in our midst.  There is an alignment this season and the well that we drink from comes up new and fresh.

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