Monday, June 20, 2016

Prophetic Words for WV -John Kilpatrick

NOVEMBER 19, 2001
While I’ve been talking here its strange. These ol’ mountains, ...I believe the glory of the Lord is going to visit this place.
I really do. While I’ve been talking I just sense over the hills and through the valleys... Can you feel that in this place friend?
I’ve got a message, but I just can’t break into this. I just sense the spirit of the Lord moving over these mountains and valleys.
I was in the service tonight and ...
I could hear the praying of the saints of God down through the years interceding 
and I know that... 
God wants to do something very powerful in these mountains and in this area.
I feel it every time I come up here. I’ve been up here several times in this area and I don’t feel it in Kentucky like I feel it over here. I’m not saying that God’s not going to move in Kentucky, but around Wise, VA and in this area up in here and when I was over in Winchester, VA just a few weeks ago, I felt it strong there. There’s just something up in this area, I feel like the Lord is brooding up here really powerful man. When the cork comes out it is going to blow friends! Do you hear what I am saying to you? He’s gonna blow!! I can feel that! (Praise!!!!)

Is there, Virginia and West Virginia, is there a real hunger up here? Meeting you folks....I have been seeing more tears than usual when I tell these stories. It just seems that God is about to do something very powerful. I can feel.....I can feel this...!
I feel this friend! 

We bow before you Jesus! There’s some power in this place! Unusual power in this place! Loose in the Name of the Lord the Spirit of God in this house..... Come Lord like a mighty wind in this house! Power!!! Power!!!

Isaiah 45:1-4 - "I will give the treasures of darkness...." (The message is on retrieving the blessings that have been stolen by Satan and that have been hidden, but they still exist.)

I feel like this is a message right now for Virginia and West Virginia, I don’t know why, I just know that the devil has had an iron fist up here for a long time. I said, he’s had an iron fist up here too long! Too long..................!!!!

Judah which means praise was left desolate. There was no leadership in the land. The crops were harvested, but they were then sent to Babylon. The devil moves in the church in much the same way. He also moves into certain geographic areas in much the same way. Now I know why I am on this!!!! Now I know why I am on this!!!!
There is a conflict for resources.
I couldn’t understand it, Lord what are you trying to say to me, what I was seeing when I came up here, but now I understand. But I see some things all of a sudden as I’ve been talking. And some things are becoming clear to me because now I am remembering some images up here in Appalachia.

(Genesis 1:26-30 {God gave dominion to Adam and Eve.}, Psalms 50, Haggai 2:8 and Luke 4:5...."If you do what I tell you to do, I will give it to you."
The devil has his hand on the spigot. "I can release to those I want and to those I don’t, I will shut the spigot off." This made me begin to get angry. Then tonight when I was up here talking to you and telling you stories, I could just literally sense the Spirit of God moving over these mountains, and He wants to do something, but its like the devil has his hand on the spigot up here and he says, "Huh uh!" It like he’s got his hand on the spigot up here, this part of Virginia and West Virginia and Kentucky...Appalachia, and he says, "I’ve got the spigot shut off up here!" I’ve got a lot of good people, I’ve got a lot of good hungry people, they are hungry for God, they really want to go after God, but I’ve got my hand on the resources, I’ve shut it off for years and they are not going to get their hand on it.

"I’ve got news for you, devil, you are going to take your hand off it!"
As long as he’s got his hand on the’s like he says, "Now its been delivered unto me, I’m the god of this world and I’ve got my hand on things, and so...up here in Virginia and West Virginia and Kentucky, I’ve had my hand up here for years, other parts of America has prospered, but I’ve always kept things restrained down here!"

You know I believe there is some powerful people in West Virginia, Virginia and Kentucky. I believe God’s got some choice servants up here. And I believe there is a powerful anointing on deposit up here for the last days and I believe God is going to release something up here for the last days. Believe that!!! If you believe it, say, "Amen!"
Satan’s fingers are being pried loose even as I speak–over West Virginia and over Virginia and over Ohio and over Kentucky! His fingers are being pried loose!

I believe God is about to return some stuff to the church, especially in those areas where they have been deprived of them for centuries! I sense that the devil, when he looks at West Virginia, and when he looks at Virginia, he sees a caliber of people here, he knows
if you had the resources you could evangelize the world.
Why hasn’t he effected California like he has you? Why hasn’t he effected Washington? Or New York? Or Pennsylvania? Oklahoma or Texas like he has you? He has tried to keep you to a minimum. Let me tell you something I’ve seen. (When the world trade centers were destroyed the world immediately came forth with the resources to meet the need, but that is not so with the church.) The devil says, "I will shut the spigot off!" And when it comes to the church you know what we do? We resort to rummage sales, fish fries, chicken suppers–big bucks! Auctions, flea markets....

Sixty days after the disaster the American public shells out $38,300,000 for Harry Potter!
Right here in this city in West Virginia, this building is going to be too small real soon, going to be too small. The place where you are pastors is going to be too small real soon. We need resources to do the work of God! And the devil says, "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!"

When you begin to converge in on the territory of the devil, its going to be a battle royal!
But, I’ve got good news for you! What I feel the Lord speaking to me tonight, to say to this area of West Virginia is this, "Get ready for some suddenlies from the Lord!" Get ready for God to do a quick work! And get ready for some wonderful principled people in West Virginia to be turned loose with vision and resources to do in this part of the world what God has been wanting to do for a long time! I feel like this place is just throbbing, ready to with the power and glory of God.

I tell you where I really believe we are friend, I believe we are in a place where God is about to open up the blessings of the Lord for these last days to get done for God what needs to get done. 

I’m telling the devil now, as a matter of fact I feel the anointing, I’m telling the devil right now, "Turn it loose! And let it go! I bind you in the name of Jesus you foul spirit, you can’t keep the resources of God’s people in West Virginia any longer! I bind you in the Name of Jesus!"

( Takes a wheel barrow of West Virginia soil and begins to break it up. Have people come and bring their offering and place it on the dirt.)

I sense real strongly that God wants to do something! (Reading of financial blessing over the people!)

"Jesus, begin to bless West Virginia, Father, begin to bless Virginia and Kentucky and Ohio! Lord, begin a powerful work up in this part of the world that we haven’t seen...seen so far! Father, I just pray that You would begin to break the hold of the devil, break the devils fingers and break his hold off the resources where God’s people has wanted to do so much. Father, break that in the Name of Jesus! And begin to move in this area in a powerful way! In Jesus Name! In Jesus Name!"

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