Friday, June 10, 2011

Dwelling Together in Organic and Functional Symmetry

Principle or Program? Both!
(They Must Abide Together! Dwelling Together in Organic and Functional Symmetry.)

Devoid of principle, program is an exercise in futility. On the other hand however without program, principle is ineffective and may represent nothing more than an empty shell of idealism.

Principle precedes program and endures beyond it. (Principle is the alpha and omega.) Program is a manifestation or visible outworking of principle. (Program is the incarnation of principle.)

Principle is inviolate, program is flexible and must conform to needs. Principle is value based, program is built upon expediency.

We run the risk of stagnation when we view program as inviolate.

Principles may be rediscovered, but they are not recreated. Program must exist right on the very edge of creativity. Neither is static–both are energetic. Principle might be likened to the spirit of a man and program to his physical existence.

The principles of God are as immutable as His character. (Malachi 3:6a “For I, the Lord, do not change;...”) The program He inspires is as rich and varied as His creation.

Principle is communicated through relationship. “The man is the message!” The character or nature of the messenger validates the worth of the principle. 2 Corinthians 3:3 “...being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts.”

The undergirding elements of transformation are principles, not programs: persevering leadership and fervent united prayer. Transformation breaks down when it is subjected to an attempt at programming. George Otis, Jr. says this is the pitfall of many who see the Transformation Videos - they then try to do “transformation.” You cannot do “transformation” for it is principle based. If it was programmatic it could be done–but it is not!

Principle plus program results in process. Transformation is a process. Process is the product for which we yearn. Process is definite forward motion that can be evaluated both as to quality and quantity.

Principle is the vine whose roots are firmly embedded in the rich soil, programs are the branches and results are the fruit. Fruit is the proof of the validity of the process. If there is no fruit we should evaluate the process–are principle and program in sync? If principle and program truly abide together then the natural and expected result will be produce (John 15:7-8). The Gardner is glorified and satisfied in all that He has done.

Program devoid of principle only causes dependency - one program must follow another. Principle liberates but must have means of expression or it will produce no definable results.

Program is wearisome. It is about maintenance and extracts a heavy price from its subjects. Principle is self-rejuvenating. It is about purpose and will propel its adherents along.

Program leads to grief, principle to joy!

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