Sunday, June 5, 2011

From Our Archives- Prayer Strategy

The Pastor’s prayer fellowship met on June 20, 2000 (WV Day). God graced us with His presence in a significant way. He blessed us with a sweet experience of fellowship, both with Himself and with each other. We left this meeting with a renewed sense of vision and a fresh resolve to see this vision become reality.

We believe it is God’s desire to bring about a transformation in our community. Our consensus is that corporate intercession is intrinsic to this taking place. We must persevere with an intense corporate cry of intercession until the breakthrough comes.

In this meeting God directed us through the combined wisdom and plurality of gifting represented by those present. Surely, through the multitude of counselors there was wisdom. He directed us to target our prayers in seven specific areas. They are as follows. Pray for:

Passionate Devotion to Jesus.

Community Transformation – Revival

Unity – Humility

An Increase in Intercession.

The Spiritual Leadership of the Community.

The Gift of Repentance.

The Harvest – The Lost to be Saved.

The wisdom of this council suggested we join together in agreement on these points. We believe this is the prayer strategy God has given us at this time. We should continue in prayer concerning these matters. We should touch them in our private prayers, our corporate praying; and lead our people to pray them also. As we agree on these points, we will become many voices lifting one sound of intercession.

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