Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Letter from Ron

Dear Praying West Virginians,

Our West Virginia Prayer Summit is quickly approaching - June 20 - West Virginia Day.

The Conference Center has asked us to give them a total number for lunch by June 10!

We are looking for as many as our Father stirs their hearts to come. We are especially looking for representation from each county. Some that we have heard from so far: Mingo, Wyoming, Greenbrier, Clay, Kanawha, Jackson, Jefferson, Cabell, Monongalia... Please forward this information throughout your relationship networks.

We hope to accomplish two objectives during this time:

(1) The first is to pray together in harmony. May many voices be heard, blending into one sound of intercession. May the resounding theme of that sound be a corporate cry for statewide transformation.

(2) The second objective is that we connect with one another. We need living relationships in the greater Body of Christ across our region. Organic unity will ignite unified prayer that attracts God’s Presence. We desire to see interaction between prayer ministries. As we relate with one another, we can intelligently pray with and for each another. Relational interaction will enable us to more clearly discern what the Lord is speaking to us as a community in the birth pangs of transformation.

Many blessings in Him,

Pastors/Wazee Ron & Nancy Thaxton

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