Friday, June 10, 2011

WOW How Big Is Our God

Charessa Wilkinson on Friday, June 10, 2011

Wow! As some of you may know, we have been given a building for FREE in Ravenswood! A very good friend of mine, and local pastor, was given the keys to a building. He called me and said that if I was “in” then we would do this! Six years ago, this pastor called me often, just to encourage me after our family had been asked to leave our church. (That is another story). Anyway, out of that friendship and praying weekly with the local pastors for a year we started a ministry called “The Bridge”. (That is another story too).

The Bridge then spanned to Clarksburg, Parkersburg and Charleston within a couple years. We gave out free meals, free clothes, free rock shows and gave local artists a place to display their work. I had done something like this before in a warehouse on the west side of Charleston in the late nineties too, called Positrax.

When I decided to have another baby and concentrate on the “Adopt-A-Jesus” tour (which is in its third year of touring, yet another story) The Bridge, became dormant, kinda like a sleeping giant.

Two weeks before the brain aneurism was found, a high school friend called me, yelling at me, saying “The time is now Charessa, the time is now!” over and over again. She knew little if anything about my past or my present. (another awesome story)

So this brings me too yesterday. The building will not only house “the misfits” as I like to call it, but the Baptists, a local minority group and any other ministry in Jackson county that needs a roof. When this pastor introduced me to the other Baptist, he said, “This is Charessa, and she is against the institution, and this is Rob and he IS the institution.” How beautiful, the very thing I have been running from is now my partner.

We had a meeting last Thursday about how to repair this building. The Baptist man gathered volunteers to fix everything. Wow!! But during the meeting Baptist man said that we would need $5000 for supplies. Shoooo, I thought, I am not good at raising money, there has to be another way. Later that evening, someone walked up to my pastor friend and handed him an envelope full of cash. You probably guessed it, $5000!!!!

God is GOOD!!!!

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